Report by
John S. Torell
November 14, 2017
The Book of Revelation
tells us that the Antichrist is going to make war with Christians. (Rev. 13)
This same spirit of murder has been operating for the past few years in a number
of nations around the world as thousands of Christians have been slaughtered in
the Middle East, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and the many killings by Muslims in
The church shooting on June
17, 2015 hit home when a 21 year old white supremacist named Dylann Roof entered
a Methodist church in Charleston during a Wednesday night prayer and Bible
study. He was warmly greeted by black Christians, who extended their love to
him. After having been in the meeting for some time and when the people started
to pray, Roof stood up, removed a gun from his backpack and began shooting the
people who had done nothing other than show love to him. Nine people died that
night and this young man showed no remorse at his trial.
On November 5, 2017, an
avowed atheist named Devin Kelley prepared to visit a small Southern Baptist
church in Sutherland. His purpose for going was not peaceful, with the intent to
worship God, but to take the lives of the people gathered there. The church
building had a single aisle down the middle of the sanctuary with pews on either
side and Kelley took his time, walking up and down the aisle, calmly shooting
his victims in the head. It didn’t matter whether it was an adult, child or a
baby; they all died under the withering gunfire. He reloaded and went back down
the aisle to see if his victims were dead, if they moved, he shot them again.
As Kelley exited the front
entrance to take a break, he was confronted by a man living just a few houses
away from the church. Kelley was wearing body armor but he was shot in the leg
and the foot. The surprised gunman let go of his rifle and ran to his car. The
neighbor flagged down a man in a pick-up truck and asked for help to chase down
the shooter. After several miles of a high speed chase, Kelly lost control of
his vehicle and crashed. He chose to turn his gun on himself and committed
None of the church members
were armed in Charleston. When the pastor heard Dylann Roof say that he was
going to kill them all, he tried in vain to stop Roof and was killed instantly.
He was powerless to stop this young man from shooting more church members.
No one was armed in the
Southern Baptist church in Sutherland. They only thing they could do was hide
under the pews and play dead. When the neighbor across the street heard the
shooting, he grabbed his rifle and ran out of the house barefoot to confront
Kelley. As a result, some of the church members survived.
Had someone in the
Methodist church been armed, not as many people would have been killed before
the Dylann Roof was neutralized. Had someone in the Southern Baptist church in
Sutherland been armed, the outcome would also have been very different.
As a pastor, I understand
we are living in hard times and things are not like they were some 40 years ago
when I came to Christ. As a church, we have taken steps to ensure that if
someone enters our church with the intent to kill, they will be met with equal
force. It is my duty to protect my congregation and I am not going to apologize
to bleeding heart liberals who say we should turn the other cheek. I would like
to point out that in the two church shootings I mentioned, 35 Christians turned
the other cheek and were rewarded with death. Their souls are now in heaven but
their time on earth was cut short.
According to the
Constitution, a citizen is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of
law. Roy Moore is running for a vacant senate seat in the state of Alabama. He
is a hardcore conservative Christian, a defender of the Constitution, who was
twice removed as a judge in Alabama for upholding the Constitution and refusing
to remove a 5,280-pound granite monument depicting the Ten Commandments in the
rotunda of the state’s judicial building.
He is not part of the
establishment and is not liked by the Republican Party. President Donald Trump
endorsed Luther Strange during the primary election, and unlike Roy Moore, he
received a large amount of financial support.
Even though President Trump
went to Alabama to campaign on behalf of Luther Strange, Moore handily won the
primary election with 55% of the vote. The media all over the United States
spoke about the devastating blow dealt to the national GOP leadership.
republican leadership in Washington D.C. was shaken to the core when Steve
Bannon resigned because he was free to go after the establishment and back
populist candidates. With the Tea Party and the conservative Christians backing
Moore, he would obviously win over his democratic opponent unless some dirty
secret could be found that would turn off the voters and make his supporters
back off.
The owner of the online
giant shopping site, Amazon, is Jeff Bezos. Throughout his life he has made
decisions which show that he is an enemy to Christianity and conservative
Americans. Bezos purchased The Washington Post in 2013 for $250 million in cash,
turning it into a left leaning news corporation. The newspaper today maintains
investigators who are capable of digging into someone’s life.
Bezos turned to his
investigators for help in assassinating Moore’s character by creating a
widespread perception of guilt before an actual verdict in a court of law. This
is also known as “trial by media” and it has been carried out many times on
people running for a political office.
After all, it was the now
famous Washington Post investigators Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who took
down President Richard Nixon and forced him to resign in 1972. They had a high
ranking source within the FBI known only as “Deep Throat,” who furnished
Woodward and Bernstein with classified information. The FBI and other agencies
tried in vain to discover the identity of this mysterious source but the
Washington Post administration knew how to protect their source.
So when it came to Roy
Moore, Jeff Bezos unleashed his investigators from the paper to dig and probe
Moore’s history. Such an investigation is not cheap but money is of no concern
when its purpose is nefarious. According to Roy’s wife, Kayla, every family
member on both sides and all their friends were tracked down and even harassed.
When they responded by saying positive things about Roy Moore, the investigators
would abruptly disengage themselves. They were not looking for good things, but
ways to defame his character.
There is an old saying,
“Drag a $20 bill through a trailer park, and every prostitute living in the park
will come out to try to catch it.” The Washington Post did just that as
investigators dug deeply into Roy Moore’s past and found he had a habit of
dating high school girls. At that time in Alabama the legal age for girls to
date men was 16.
By going through high
school yearbooks in the town where Moore lived at that time, the investigators
were able to compile names and addresses of young women in Moore’s past. Some of
them stated they had dated Moore and they were offered large sums of cash to
come forward with the claim that Roy Moore had sexually molested them in some
There are two women who
currently stand out among the accusers.
Deborah Wesson Gibson has
been active in the Democratic Party and worked as sign language interpreter for
vice president Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Coincidentally, she is currently
active on the campaign of the democratic candidate Doug Jones, who happens to be
running against Roy Moore. I’m being sarcastic when I say that there is
“obviously no bias on her part!”
Leigh Corfman claims that
Roy Moore molested her when she was 14 years old. Examining her background does
not give any credence to her accusations. She used alcohol and drugs during her
high school years and had many boyfriends with whom she was sexually active. She
also tried to commit suicide at the age of 16. She has been married and divorced
three times and also declared bankruptcy three times.
As I stated earlier, any
person is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. However, it
would seem that some would like to see that provision removed from the
Constitution. Mitt Romney stated the following on his
Twitter account:
“Innocent until proven
guilty is for criminal convictions, not elections. I believe Leigh Corfman.
Her account is too serious to ignore. Moore is unfit for office and should
step aside.”
I can tell you that as an
immigrant, citizen of the United States and a Christian, I have a lot of respect
for rule of law and what is being done to Roy Moore is simply disgraceful. How
can we allow “trial by media” and call into question Moore’s character and
destroy his career without proof? Why are we employing a double standard on a
man who has served in public office for four decades? This is just wrong and
these dirty political shenanigans have to stop.
Roy Moore has run for
office a number of times. During his 39 years as a public servant, none of these
women had previously made a sexual harassment charge against him. In fact, none
of them ever filed a police report. It was not until investigators from
Washington Post showed up with cash from Jeff Bezos that these women suddenly
had their memories jogged and they tearfully told their stories in public. Do
these women want justice? It would seem that money, not justice, motivated these
women to publicly accuse Roy Moore of sexual harassment and rape.
If there is blood in the
water, you can be sure that a shark will arrive to investigate. Gloria Allred is
one such person. She is a shark, a hired gun if you will, with a name that
invokes fear based upon her track record. Allred is a
stalwart for abortion and a diehard democrat. Any time there is blood in the
water, she will be there using her skills as an attorney and “champion the
cause of any downtrodden woman” to stand against a “predator” like Roy Moore.
If you are gullible enough
to believe the story fostered by Gloria Allred, the Washington Post and these
women who have prostituted themselves for money, I have a great deal on a famous
bridge in San Francisco. I am willing to sell it to you for a great price!
I have been walking with
the Lord Jesus since January of 1966 and I have attended many revivals,
conferences, and conventions. I remember hearing testimonies during the Billy
Graham crusades when former gang members and murderers gave glowing testimonies
how they were saved from their old sinful lives and were now walking with Jesus.
Chuck Colson, convicted for his involvement in the Watergate break-in became a
national celebrity and founder of Prison Fellowship Ministry. The Mafia member
Jim Vaus and the country singer and disc jockey Stuart Hamblin were saved during
the 1949 Billy Graham Crusade in Los Angeles. Both men had a troubled past with
alcohol, domestic violence etc. But once they were born again, they were also
forgiven and paraded on the national revival circuit in the United States and
treated like heroes.
Nicky Cruz and Sonny
Arguinzoni were gang members in New York and saved under the ministry of David
Wilkerson. They murdered people, raped women and did many evil deeds. Yet they
were forgiven, redeemed by the Lord, and both men became prominent ministers.
I remember attending many
Full Gospel Business Men's International Fellowship conventions and hearing
testimonies from men and women who had been redeemed from their sinful past.
Even if Roy Moore has
mistreated women in the past, it is obvious that he has proved he is a true
Christian. Should we not forgive this man if God has already forgiven him? The
apostle Paul was a murderer, but he had an experience with the Lord on the road
to Damascus and God made him an apostle and moved him into the ministry.
All Christians have a past,
some worse than others. I was once a drunkard, fornicator, gangster and street
fighter during my teenage years. But I repented and God did not reject me. Over
the years I have lived a completely different life and preached the Gospel for
the last 40 years. If someone were to bring vile accusations against me like
they have done with Roy Moore, would I be disqualified from Christian service?
Something similar in fact
happened when the Prime Minister of Sweden was assassinated in 1986. I
immigrated to the United States from Sweden in 1963 and had visited my birth
country on several mission trips in the 1970’s and 80’s. Almost immediately
after Olof Palme’s death, my name was in every major newspaper as the mastermind
for his death and I was inundated with interview requests from Swedish
newspapers. As far as they were concerned, I was the one who killed Palme. Never
mind the fact that I was a Christian and would never murder anyone or that I
lived in California and had not been to Sweden since 1983. Nevertheless, the
allegations continued and I was their scapegoat; the negative media coverage was
so prevalent that I even received a phone call from a family member decrying my
supposed action.
The FBI got involved when
the Swedish Security Service (SAPO) sent an investigator to interview me here in
the United States. They are responsible for counter-espionage,
counter-terrorism, the protection of dignitaries and investigating crimes
against national security and terrorist crimes. The murder of a Swedish prime
minister would fall within their jurisdiction.
The interview started with
intimidation when I was presented with a transcript of a cassette recording in
which I advocated getting rid of Olof Palme and the Social Democrats who were
ruining Sweden. They wanted me to be guilty of this crime, so they took my words
out of context. Any sane person would have known I was advocating their removal
by voting them out of office.
Then I was presented with a
report of my life where they had interviewed everyone associated with me in my
hometown in an effort to find anything incriminating. They questioned my family
members, neighbors, classmates, coworkers. Basically anyone remotely connected
to me, however remote it turned out to be. Given my past and how I used to be a
drunkard, fornicator, gangster and street fighter during my teenage years, this
turned out to be a waste of time as I did not have a criminal record. My life
had also radically been changed since coming back to Christ in 1965 when God
changed my heart and I dropped those activities.
I embarrassed the SAPO
agent by telling him two things. First, I informed him it was ridiculous to
interview a Christian preacher for murder because this practice is condemned by
God, and secondly, I told him to go home and stop wasting the Swedish taxpayers’
money by spending time in sunny California. If the FBI agents weren’t present, I
am sure the SAPO agent would have attacked me because he got very red in his
I don’t believe
that Roy Moore is guilty of molesting any of the women that have come forward
with accusations. But if he were, cannot God forgive him? Is Roy Moore any
different than the rest of us? There is no one who is sinless. I am taking
Moore’s denial at face value based upon his profession of faith and track
record. When he says, “I’m not guilty,” I am willing to take his word for it
because there is no proof. Until they can be proved, allegations remain merely
If the policy of these
“pious” republicans and democrats is going to be the new standard in America,
wouldn’t that disqualify me and all the work I done for Christ since 1966? Won’t
all my work have been in vain? Remember the woman who was caught in adultery?
“And the scribes and
Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set
her in the midst, They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in
adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such
should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that
they might have to accuse him.
But Jesus stooped
down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
So when they continued
asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them,
He that is without sin among you, let him
first cast a stone at her.
And again he stooped
down, and wrote on the ground.
And they which
heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one,
beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and
the woman standing in the midst.
When Jesus had lifted
up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where
are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man,
And Jesus said unto
her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” (John 8:3-11)
Don’t’ get me wrong, there
are consequences for sin, but Jesus showed this woman grace. Let’s give Roy
Moore the benefit of the doubt and not equate allegations with fact.

From the Desk
of John S. Torell |