by John S. Torell
I was woken by the
Holy Spirit in the early morning hours of December 14th and given a
message as to why evil things happen in the world.
I had no knowledge that just a few hours later a massacre would take place at
the hands of Ryan Lanza in Newtown, Connecticut. After I learned of the killing
spree that took the lives of 20 children and 6 adults, it became clear that I
needed to address this issue on Sunday morning. It is impossible to walk away
from this mass murder and act like it did not happen and therefore important for
Christian leaders to speak out and give direction to people who are bewildered
and filled with grief.
the shooter part of a conspiracy? Yes, but not in the way most people would
imagine. Ryan Lanza wasn’t part of a secret plot of the CIA but there most
certainly was a conspiracy of evil that is directed by the Devil. Most people
have been educated to reject any notion of conspiracy and label people who talk
about it as “mentally unstable” but the Bible states there is a conspiracy in
the spirit world that also manifests itself in the physical world and in a
religious setting.
“There is a conspiracy of
her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey;
they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things;
they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.”
(Ezekiel 22:25)
The purpose of this satanic
conspiracy is to usher in a one-world government under the rule of Satan. The
first such attempt was recorded in Genesis 11:1-9 in which God intervened and
destroyed the tower they were trying to build, changed the world language into
hundreds of different languages and scattered the people all over the world.
While God obstructed that instance, He is going to allow Satan at the end of
time to create a one-world government. (Revelation 13:1-18) This world
government is going to be led by a man that will be empowered by Satan.
“And the beast which I saw
was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his
mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his
seat, and great authority.”
(Revelation 13:2)
It might be that many people do
not know the identity of the dragon, and for this reason I am going to show you
where the Bible identifies this individual.
“And the great dragon
was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth
the whole world:
he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
(Revelation 12:9)
In order to bring in a world
government Satan must create so much chaos that the people of the earth will beg
for a strong world leader to step in and take over. The cry of the people will
be that the world cannot continue to be divided into nations, instead, the world
must become one to eliminate all wars and create economic stability. Satan will
furnish his man under deception. He will not be introduced as a Satanist,
instead, he will be introduced as a benign man who cares for people and
genuinely wants to bring peace and stability to the world.
Two things need to happen in
order for Satan to take over the world. First, there must be chaos, and
secondly, people must be disarmed. Only two nations currently allow its law
abiding citizens to bear arms, Switzerland and the United States. Since
Switzerland is a small nation and does not have a lot of influence in the world,
the focus of Satan is on the United States. The second amendment of the
Constitution is a major roadblock for Satan, and the only way he can remove it
is to create so much havoc and pain on the people, that they are willing to give
up their rights.
Satan must work through people
who are loyal to him and willing to see the plan through even if the desired
result doesn’t come in their lifetime. Such a group exists in the
socialists/Marxist/communists. They disguise themselves as liberals and always
talk about caring for the workers and the poor people. It is strange that the
leaders among them do not come from a poor background, but are mostly from
well-to-do families, with a multi-million dollar annual income.
Americans are freedom loving
people and these leaders haven’t been able persuade the public to give up their
guns. Therefore they must create chaos and whip the public into such a frenzy
that it will give them the momentum to ban ownership of firearms.
This is nothing new and was
carried out in Germany during the 1930’s. Before Hitler became a dictator, he
was appointed Chancellor of Germany, and one of his first political moves was to
strip the German people of their rights to own guns. He was able to take over
the nation once he disarmed the people and armed his storm troopers.
Satan’s leadership on earth
seeks to whip up the emotions of people and make them to think irrationally.
Gun control is about disarming law abiding citizens! No criminal or
terrorist is going to obey a gun control law. But when emotions run high, people
do not think rationally and can be manipulated into giving up their firearms.
The governments in Europe have
stripped law abiding citizens of the right to own guns while the criminals and
terrorists have all the guns they want because they do not obey laws anyways.
Anders Breivik met no
opposition when he started to shoot people on July 22, 2011 in Norway. Before
armed police were able to arrive at the scene, he had murdered 77 young people
and wounded 242 others. If there had been an armed citizen on the island
where the killing took place, the death toll could have been significantly
reduced. But the law abiding citizens did not have any guns.
the last 20 years there have been a number of mass murders in the world, most of
them occurring in the United States. It is not normal for a person to kill
someone else. You could say it is ungodly, even demonic to go out and kill
people. Ryan Lanza was not under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Newtown
school shooting but was possessed by demonic powers. Thus it is logical to
conclude that Satan is the controller of all the mass killers since he wants to
inflict as much harm as possible. In order to have the maximum impact upon
normal people, he will make sure that the murders are especially gruesome.
To possess people with his
demons, Satan must first weaken the Church of Jesus Christ, which he has
steadily done for the last 200 years. He has convinced pastors there are no such
things as demon possession/oppression, it is just folklore. The fact that the
Bible teaches the opposite doesn’t matter since many pastors really don’t
believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.
Once the Devil had neutralized
the Church, he started to destroy the minds of young people through vile movies
and television programming, bloody and graphic video games, pornography,
homosexuality and an immoral lifestyle.
Satan has laid a solid
foundation for his work with the removal of Bible reading and prayer from public
schools. Students are taught the atheistic theory of evolution which says we are
nothing more than glorified apes. They are encouraged to fornicate and practice
safe sex through the use of birth control. Is it any wonder we are raising hell
children and are beginning to reap what we’ve sown?
Satan has a vast pool of people
from whom to pick killers, and once he is done with them, the demons of suicide
will take them out. As long as there are demon possessed people, there will also
be mass killings until the day that people in the world are so traumatized that
they willingly surrender to the “Man of Peace,” that the Bible calls the “Beast”
or the “Antichrist.”
In having identified mass
killings as a spiritual problem, every pastor, evangelist and Sunday school
teacher should wake up and call upon God to send us a revival which begins in
the heart of each one of us. God is not going to start a revival among the
sinners; He always starts in the church.
We need to repent for the way
we have treated the Bible and for all the false teaching that we have allowed in
our churches. Revival will never start with a group of people but with one
person at a time.
Did you know that the death
rate in the world is around 150,000 people per day? That means there will be
150k deaths in a 24 hour period. Where do you think they will end up? Most of
them probably weren’t born again and will end up in hell.
You would wail in agony if you
could stay at the entrance to hell for a day and see the throngs of people being
led in chains by God’s angels to begin serving time for their rejection of Jesus
Christ as Lord and Savior. Are we crying in agony for these men, women, boys and
girls entering a place of torment that one day will be moved to the Lake of Fire
where they will face even more torment day and night forever? Did I grieve over
the young children that were killed in Newtown and for their teachers who died
with them? Yes, but I am grieving even deeper for the people who end up in hell
with no hope of ever getting out.
A revival is when you
understand with your innermost being what it means to die and be eternally
separated from God. If only you could hear the screams of men and women who just
died, and as they step out of their bodies, angels will handcuff them and take
them to hell. When they arrive in hell, screaming, sobbing and staring in
unbelief at the huge line waiting to be processed into God’s jail, they will
look at each other and say, “We were told there was no hell.”
As they slowly inch their way
through the process line, imagine how they will curse their teachers, the court
system, movie producers and the television commentators who lead them astray.
But worse yet will be the lack of truth from the television evangelists and mega
pastors who are also to be blamed for their fate. Others will cry out to Jesus,
begging for mercy. There will many who will try to repent and dedicate their
lives to Jesus, but instead of hearing the soft loving voice of Jesus, they hear
the cold voices of the angels telling them that it is too late. Their time on
earth is over and they are now condemned to eternal torment.
Are you saved?
Have you been born again? Is your name written in the Book of Life? Do you trust
in your own goodness to save you? If you have been saved, do you have compassion
for those who are perishing? Do you weep over the sinners? The people on earth
are depending upon Christians to tell them about Jesus. Are you living a holy
life that stands out? Are you living a life that will convict people over their
sins? The destiny of the lost is in the
hands of God’s people.
“After these things the
Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face
into every city and place, whither he himself would come. Therefore said he
unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye
therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into
his harvest.” (Luke 10:1-2)
Are You Ready?
By Darl Dinger
Time as we know it
Is ending fast
Jesus said to us
Live this day as if it were your last.
Yes, live your life
For all the world to see
Live this last day
As you’re living for Me.
The end times are here
Devastation and woe
It is written in My Word
So that you would understand and know.
Earthquakes and floods
Fire and disease
What must I do
Before you bow your knees?
Your government tried to remove Me
From all of your lives
But it has only brought you
Struggle and strife.
My pastures are pure
Yes, they are clean
But only with the Spiritual eyes
Can they be seen.
My coming is soon
Make no mistake
Give me all of your love
And don’t always take.
I will remember you
In this desolate land
Always remember you are written
On the palm of My hand.
I will protect and comfort you
In your time of need.
If you will listen to Me
And My Word you will heed...
Love your brother
And sister, too
Be kind to the stranger
You know what to do.
Nothing is hidden
All will be seen
Whether you are gentle
Or whether you are mean.
Yes, live your life
In a loving way.
You don’t know
If this is your last day.
From the Desk
of John S. Torell |