May 10, 2020
Young American men were
drafted to fight the communists in Vietnam from 1963 to 1974. They were typical
lads who had been raised on television and came from a laid-back lifestyle. They
were flown to Vietnam after going through basic training and receiving a little
bit of specialized training. Shortly after stepping off the plane, they were
shocked by the heat, humidity, and the realization that death could come at any
They quickly learned to the
enemy that was all around them. If they were going to survive, it was necessary
to evaluate the local population. The Vietnamese people working at the American
bases as janitors, laborers, barbers, and waiters, would smile at them during
the day, but at night, they were killing machines that sought to murder the
people they served during the day. The American soldiers learned that the enemy
was everywhere.
Walking patrol in the jungle
was a nightmare. A nearly invisible wire running across a path would trigger an
explosion that killed the man walking in front of you. There were booby traps
everywhere in the villages. Coming around the bend of a trail in the jungle
could lead the platoon into a deadly ambush that killed most of the men. The war
in Vietnam was a horrible time that turned most of the men into nervous wrecks.
Seven million Americans served in Vietnam. Each man had to serve one year before
he was rotated back to the U.S. mainland.
Most people don’t know it but
every human being is living in a combat zone. The earth is filled with demons
and fallen angels control them from positions high above the surface of the
earth. (Eph. 6:10-18) People who have not been born again are citizens in the
Kingdom of Satan. They will do the bidding of the demons that possess them and
guide their lives. A Christian removed from the kingdom of Satan the moment he
is born again. He is sealed by the Holy Spirit, but in the process, becomes a
target of Satan, who directs his fallen angels to unleash evil spirits on him.
Sadly, the average Christian
pastor believes there is a Devil, but he was told in seminary that demons do not
exist. Thus, believers are lulled into believing there are no problems once you
are saved. They go through life and run into ambushes set up by evil spirits.
They take no protective action because they are ignorant about spiritual
Christian leaders used to
mock Christians who practiced spiritual warfare, claiming they were idiots
(buffoons, imbeciles, morons, nitwits, fools) who saw demons behind every bush.
It is incredible that Christians will acknowledge the existence of Satan, but
fail to take into account evil spirits and demons when the Bible explicitly
mentions their oppression of humanity. A large part of Jesus’ ministry was spent
casting out demons. If you don’t believe me, read it for yourself in the four
Just like the American
soldiers in Vietnam, it up to you to know your enemy. Logic would dictate that
if Satan exists, so do fallen angels and demons. There is no love in the Kingdom
of Satan, but there is unity in hating every Christian. There are consequences
when you drop your guard. I would say there is a demon lurking behind every bush
and he is looking for ways to destroy and put you in an early grave. The
soldiers in Vietnam who were vigilant survived and came home. The ones that were
careless returned home in body bags. How will you leave life?
From the Desk
of John S. Torell |