The mid-term elections in the United States were
disappointing when it became clear that 50% of the American people voted for
democratic candidates. John Fetterman was an extremely weak democratic candidate
for the senate that never has held a real job and was financed by his parents
and sister. He almost died from a stroke early on in the campaign and hid
himself from the public. Nevertheless, the voters of Pennsylvania selected this
severely handicapped man to represent them and his medical problems were evident
as he spent the first six weeks in office hospitalized for depression.
Joe Biden has declared war on the American energy
industry with insanely high gas/diesel prices, there is massive inflation,
illegal aliens are pouring through the Mexican border, and there is a massive
crime wave across the nation. Here’s the kicker… people are still going to vote
When I went to prayer to complain to the Lord, I was
shown a harsh reality. There had been a battle in the spirit world ignored by
the Christians, including myself. I listened to the commentators on Fox and
Newsmax, read from conservative outlets, and they all predicted a “red wave”
that would effectively put an end to the Democrats. It failed to materialize and
the Republicans barely gained a majority in the House of Representatives.
I felt like I had been sucker punched. I asked God to
show me what transpired and who was responsible. The Holy Spirit told me that
the fault lay with the pastors and Christians. The most important event in the
history of the universe has been ignored by theologians, pastors and evangelists
since the time of Jesus.
Jesus created our physical universe sometime after the
creation of the angels. There is no timetable given for this event; it could
have been billions of years. Angels built civilizations on the planets in this
vast universe and this also included people. The prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel
were given revelations about the planet earth prior to the creation of Adam and
Eve, and based on this information, it is clear the earth was not the only
planet governed by an angel such as Lucifer.
Lucifer eventually rebelled against God and tried to
dethrone Him. He traveled to angelic civilizations and pitched his plan. One
third of the angels joined his uprising and preparations were made to prepare a
space fleet and attack God in the city of heaven.
Michael the archangel and his heavenly forces met
Lucifer’s fleet and broke the attack on heaven. What followed was a prolonged
war that ended in his defeat and Lucifer and his minions were cast down to the
Jesus ordered a trial for Lucifer and the other angels in
which they were subsequently sentenced to the Lake of Fire. The Bible does not
record the trial, but it is obvious that one took place given their punishment.
It is also clear that Lucifer objected to the ruling and
challenged God. The apostle Paul states that God is proving His righteousness.
This leads us to conclude that the human race was created with the intent to
prove the Godhead’s righteousness. Lucifer challenges every human, trying to get
them to reject God.
The first chapter of Genesis informs us that God created
the heaven and the earth. It does not state that God created the earth without
form, without light, and covered with water. Since the earth served as the home
planet for Lucifer, the final battle in the space war was fought here, resulting
in so much damage that the surface was flooded to drown all people, animals, and
vegetation. Basically, God didn’t want any trace left of the civilization that
preceded Adam and Eve.
Jesus spent the next six days refurbishing the earth and
making it beautiful again. I base this upon the revelation given to the apostle
Peter that one day for the Lord is as a thousand years for mankind. It is my
understanding that this refurbishing took 6 days/6,000 years.
The next thing I noted is that humanity was created on
the sixth day and God rested on the seventh day. That means that Adam and Eve
lived for a day (one thousand years) in the Garden of Eden, before Lucifer was
allowed to tempt them.
It is likely that Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of
Eden for at least 1,500 years. During this time period, they did not age and had
many children since they were examples of biological perfection. They were
blissfully ignorant of Lucifer and the space war and didn’t know why they
existed. They were oblivious as to why the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
stood in the middle of the garden. All they knew was that they weren’t supposed
to eat from it.
At the end of the thousand years, Lucifer was allowed to
seduce the serpent and tempt humanity. Eve did not know that she was
communicating with a highly intelligent angel. Eve freely chose to eat of the
forbidden fruit and then offered it to Adam. All the angels in the universe saw
Eve exercise her free will to disobey God and Adam followed suit. God could not
be blamed for this event.
It is clear that God has limited Himself so that Lucifer
cannot claim cheating or duplicity on the Lord’s behalf. Lucifer is given the
opportunity to challenge any event or person. This means that whenever God is
doing a project on earth, He must involve a human being that can be tempted and
swayed by Lucifer.
Let us look at the following events:
calling of Abraham. Lucifer tried to derail him several times.
Lucifer attacked Isaac and Rebecca and the family became dysfunctional.
had a terrible family life with a lot of disharmonies.
was the first person in the family that did not have any derogatory remarks;
nevertheless, even though he was used by God to establish the family in
Egypt, Joseph still faced a number of challenges.
was protected at the onset of his life by holy angels and was personally
guided by Jesus. Lucifer tried on several occasions to derail Moses and
destroy the Hebrews and hinder them from the Promised Land. Lucifer was
successful to a degree, effectively impeding the adults who were twenty
years and older. Lucifer deceived Aaron into sinning and used Moses’
emotions against him so that the brothers could not enter Canaan.
was unable to clear the entire Promised Land and failed to set up an
educational system for the Hebrews. Lucifer deceived Joshua into not doing
what he should have done, and when the third generation came of age in
Canaan, they did not have a relationship with God and became pagan
The Bible does not record that there were any human
intercessors during these spiritual battles. An examination of the time of the
judges until the catastrophic annihilation of the Northern Kingdom by the
Assyrians in 727 B.C. and the Southern Kingdom’s destruction by the Babylonians
in 587 B.C., we find there were judges and prophets who tried to bring the
people back to the Lord. Aside from the prophet Daniel, there were no strong
intercessors that worked with God.
When Jesus was incarnated and started His ministry, He
told the disciples that before they tried to take down the strong man, it was
necessary to first bind him in prayer.
The apostle Paul wrote that we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Lucifer tried to eradicate the early church when he used
King Herod to arrest and kill the apostle James.
He then had the apostle Peter quickly arrested and planned to murder him the
next day. The church woke up and conducted a prayer meeting the night before.
This spiritual warfare moved the hand of God and Jesus sent an angel to get
Peter out of prison.
Intercession and spiritual warfare were prevalent during
the time of the apostles and into the second century, but by the third century,
Lucifer convinced the church leaders that the Holy Spirit was no longer on earth
and intercession was a thing of the past.
Sometime around AD 500, Lucifer called for a cabinet
meeting of high ranking fallen angels. Satan did not want to play a defensive
game any longer. False religions are nothing new, but the idea of a world
religion that would compete directly against Christianity was a new concept.
Islam is a mixture of Judaism and Christianity, sprinkled
with the local tradition of degrading women. The clergy of this religion would
be possessed by demons and empowered to evangelize and seek new converts. But
unlike the Christian faith, evangelism was to be done by the sword, and anyone
rejecting this faith, would be beheaded. Lucifer’s religious writers created a
central text called the Koran.
The goal of this new religion was to wipe out
Christianity through war and now they just needed the right candidate for the
Muhammad was born in AD 570. He never knew his father
because he died before he came into the world. Six years later he became an
orphan when his mother died. He was cared for by an uncle and was introduced to
trade. This is how Muhammad became familiar with Judaism and Christianity and
why the prophet Gabriel would supposedly later appear multiple times to him in a
cave. But this version of the holy angel had a dark side that repeatedly choked
Muhammed because he was illiterate. Nevertheless, this was the beginning of the
religion that spread from the Middle East to the rest of the world. The intent
was to hinder the Church of Jesus from spreading any further and military force
would take care of the rest.
As a teenager Muhammad worked for his uncle that ran a
trading company and this brought him to Syria. He spent a couple of years in a
Christian monastery and learned about Jesus, Mary, and the rudiments of
Christianity. However, he did not feel that Christianity was for him and he
moved to Jerusalem where he stayed for some time. He was instructed by Jewish
rabbis. The Old Testament prophets received a prominent place in the Koran.
Jesus was acknowledged as a prophet, but not as God incarnate. The God-man is
pictured as a failed prophet and Muhammad would succeed where the Son of God had
supposedly failed.
Muhammad did not like to work, and at the age of 25, he
married a rich widow named Khadija who owned a large trading company. Muhammad
was always thinking about his new religion, which was encouraged by the demons.
On multiple occasion he went to a cave to pray. History does not reveal who he
prayed to, but we know that he was a seeker of a god that he did not know.
The year AD 610 was momentous as Lucifer sent a fallen
angel to meet Muhammad in a cave. The angel lied and told Muhammad his name was
Gabriel. The apostle Paul stated that Satan will come as an angel of light.
The fallen angel instructed Muhammad to memorize verses
that would eventually be placed in the future Koran. Muhammad had never learned
to read, and when he told the angel he was illiterate, Gabriel repeatedly
throttled him. The visits from the abusive fallen angel continued as Gabriel
recited the text and Muhammad memorized them. These revelations would later be
recorded by a scribe.
Muhammad was told to do what Jesus failed to accomplish.
Muhammad eventually started to preach the new religion in
his hometown of Mecca. He met with opposition and moved to Medina in 622. In
630, Muhammad raised an army of 10,000 men and took control of Mecca. He became
ill ten years later and died. Although he had lost a leader, Lucifer was still
happy because he had a dead leader, a new “bible,” and thousands of converts
that would eventually be known as Muslims.
Lucifer’s war department took over and the Muslim
conquests began in earnest.
armies swept into Syria, Palestine and part of modern-day Turkey between
was conquered between 639-642.
Mesopotamia and Persia fell to the Muslim onslaught between 633-651.
campaign for the Sindh province in India (Pakistan) raged from 711-714.
crusade for Maghreb (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia) lasted
from 647-742.
struggle for the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal) lasted from 711-721.
fight for Transoxiana (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan) lasted from
Afghanistan was conquered by 711.
armies moved into Armenia and Georgia between 639-640, but they were
repulsed by the Khazar kingdom.
influence pushed deep into Africa through trade, and what they couldn’t
conquer through peaceful persuasion, the sword established in Mali, Nigeria,
Cameroon, Guinea Bissau, Uganda, Senegal, Chad, Ethiopia, Liberia, Niger,
Tanzania and Somalia.
Almost all the African nations north of the equator
converted to Islam. Christianity has survived in some of these nations, but it
has been an uphill battle for the last 150 years as Christian missionaries
labored there. There have been violent clashes in Nigeria where Muslims attack
Christians and burn church buildings, kidnapping school children, and murdering
pastors and church members.
As of 2022, it is estimated that 1.9 billion people
adhere to Islam. Christians of different denominations number 2.38 billion
people. With the world population at 7.66 billion, 3.38 billion people serve
other religions or are atheistic. Thus, we can see that Lucifer and his minions
have been successful during the last 1,300 years to create a religion that
enslaves 25% of the world and dooms it adherents to eternal punishment.
Christianity flourished for more than 400 years in
Persia, Babylon, Syria, Turkey, parts of India, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia,
Algeria and Morocco. The church in North Africa was called the “Latin Church;”
it was a vibrant church that Lucifer slaughtered and replaced with Islam. These
millions of Christians have been under the altar in heaven, waiting for revenge.
Lucifer has been able to constrict the true church with the creation of the
monster religions like Islam and Roman Catholicism.
After the foundation of Roman Catholicism in AD 325,
Lucifer ruled unopposed until 1517 when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on
the Wittenberg church door.
Jan Hus from Bohemia (located in the western part of the
Czech Republic) was a forerunner to Luther. He revolted against Romanism and a
number of people accepted his restored theology and were born again. Lucifer was
furious and ordered his death. Hus was cruelly burned at the stake on July 6,
1415. His followers (known as Hussites) continued to grow in number and Lucifer
used Roman Catholicism to wage a number of wars against them that lasted until
Lucifer was not able to kill all the Hussites and they
eventually became the Moravian church and by 1722 the Moravians were invited to
settle and build up their educational system on the property of Ludwig von
Zinzendorf in Saxony, Germany. They were strong on intercessory prayer and
prayed round the clock. Members took turns praying 24 hours a day and this
practice continued for 100 years. The followers of Jan Hus were used by God to
intercede for truth to be proclaimed and the Roman Catholicism rolled back. The
intercessors brought Jesus into action, who called Luther to start the
reformation. A lowly German monk restored the basic concept of salvation as a
free gift because of what Jesus did on the cross. The second birth was preached
in the newly formed Lutheran churches.
Luther also translated the Bible into the German language
and this made the pope furious because most Germans could not read Latin and
this opened the Scriptures to the common man.
Lucifer was livid that for some 1,117 years he had made
sure people were not born again and perished when they died. He had been busy
stacking hell with unsaved people. Working through the popes of Rome, he began
persecuting anyone that joined Luther. The pope ordered torture and death for
those that left Roman Catholicism. When this failed to stem the tide of revival,
Lucifer ordered fallen angels to start a destructive war in 1618 that was to
last for 30 years.
Lucifer ordered his religious department to start an
attack on the Lutheran churches. Just like Lucifer infiltrated the Christian
church prior to Constantine’s state church, orders were given to write new
doctrines and for demons to possess Lutheran clergy and teach them false
doctrine. The demons swept into German universities and other theological
institutions and captured men like Friedrich Schleiermacher, David Hume,
Immanuel Kant, G.W.F. Hegel and many more. These men claimed to be wise and
learned, but in reality, they taught that humanity could not trust the Bible
since it was written by men and therefore not the Word of God. These corrupt men
destroyed the Lutheran churches, which no longer talked about the need to be
born again. In a hundred years, the German reformation churches became just
another version of Roman Catholicism. There was no pope, but they became state
churches and were run by kings and archbishops.
I have not discussed the Church of England since its
split from the Roman Catholic Church was a political decision in 1553. Making
the Anglican Church independent from Rome opened a door for the Baptists. These
were men and women from England, Germany, Switzerland, and Holland that broke
with the Lutheran and Anglican state churches. They emphasized the need to born
again and rejected the sprinkle water baptisms performed in the Romanist,
Lutheran and Anglican churches. Jesus abandoned the state churches and started
to work through the Baptists instead. The Son of God restored the doctrines of
salvation and water baptism by immersion. Ironically, the Lutheran churches
responded by persecuting the Baptists, particularly in Sweden, where many
Baptists were arrested, beaten, and sentenced to long prison sentences.
The Godhead decided to release the Holy Spirit on the
earth in a way not seen since the day of Pentecost. There were born again
Christians in Europe and the United States. The Holy Spirit located a few deeply
committed believers and told them to begin interceding for God to move upon the
general population.
AWAKENING (1734-1743)
The Great Awakening originated in the New England states
with Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. It is estimated that 80% of
America’s 900,000 colonists heard Whitefield preach. Tens of thousands of men
and women were saved.
Lucifer was furious and he sent in hordes of demons to cause division and strife
and the move of God lasted just nine years.
God was also moving in England through John Wesley. He
and his brother, Charles, had traveled to Georgia in 1736 to work as Anglican
missionaries. John became involved with a woman and the Wesley brothers fled to
avoid being tarred and feathered. On the ship back to England, they met a group
of Moravian missionaries who spoke to them about being born again. They arrived
to England in 1737 and John felt defeated. He sought out Moravians living in
England and came to the saving knowledge of Jesus while attending their
meetings. He traveled to the Moravian base in Germany and was subsequently
baptized in the Holy Spirit. When he returned to England, he was persecuted by
the Anglican church and banned from speaking in their churches. He started to
hold open air meetings and this is how the Methodist church was born. Thousands
of people were saved under his preaching, and by the time he died, he set up 541
Methodist preachers with a church membership of 135,000 members.
Jonathan Edwards |
George Whitefield |
AWAKENING (1800-1840)
The second Great Awakening saw the Holy Spirit move upon
people to start interceding for a move of God. This time it started in Logan
County, Kentucky at a camp meeting. Pastor Gardiner Spring reported that revival
fires were burning for the next 25 years.
Charles Finney was another evangelist that rose to
prominence in 1824. He saw half-a-million come to Christ. By 1850, it is
estimated that 7-13% of the population had been reached for Christ and joined an
evangelical church. Lucifer and his minions ended the revival by instigating
strife, conflicts, and splits.
REVIVAL (1857-1858)
With the businessmen’s revival, the Holy Spirit moved
with Jeremiah Lamphier from New York. The North Dutch Church in Albany hired him
to be a lay-missionary in 1857. He began to earnestly pray and the Holy Spirit
told him to reach out to businessmen. He opened a weekly prayer meeting at lunch
time specifically for businessmen. Thousands attended these meetings and the
Holy Ghost fire was present so that churches across the nation started prayer
meetings at noon for businessmen.
Intercessory prayer was the key to bringing down the Holy
Spirit and moving upon people’s hearts. Revivals broke out in thousands of
churches and it was estimated that one million new Christians were added by the
end of 1857.
Charles Finney |
Jeremiah Lamphier |
The Civil war in America was a great tragedy that saw
620,000 men killed in the different battles. It began in 1861 and ended four
years later. One year into the war, chaplains on both sides realized that
intercessory prayer was urgent. Additionally, men who were born again started to
evangelize on both sides, and by the end of the war, some 300,000 soldiers had
been born again.
One of the young men that worked on the battlefields
after the fighting was over was D.L. Moody. He was saved in 1855, and as a
strong evangelical Christian, he felt it was morally wrong to kill fellow
Americans. He joined the United States Christian Commission of the YMCA. He
covered nine battlefields with other men to minister to the wounded laying on
the ground. Some were mortally wounded and others were picked up and received
medical help. Moody went from soldier to soldier, giving them water, and asking
if they were born again. Hundreds of soldiers were led to Christ before they
The Holy Spirit captivated D.L. Moody to the point that
he became a willing vessel for the Lord. Lucifer hated Moody and did his best to
destroy him. In 1858, the former shoe salesman moved to Chicago and started a
Sunday school. It grew into a church that Moody started to pastor in 1864. Moody
met Ira D. Sankey in 1871 and the two started to hold revival meetings in
different places and scores came to Christ as Sankey sang the gospel and Moody
preached the gospel.
D.L. Moody |
Ira Sankey |
The Chicago fire of October 1871 saw Moody lose his home
and church building. There is no doubt in my mind that Lucifer ordered his
minions to use the great blaze as a way to destroy Moody’s ministry.
Moody and Sankey went to England in 1872 for revival
meetings which were attended by thousands of people. These newly born-again men
and women in turn led others to Christ. The gospel duo made several trips to
England and Scotland.
In 1875 when Moody and Sankey returned to America, they
held revival meetings in a number of the largest cities. More than 2.5 million
people heard the gospel in England, Scotland, and America. My great-grandfather
Johannes Jansson was one such man. He lived in Chicago during the 1870s and was
saved in a Moody revival meeting. He returned to Sweden, married, and raised
children for Christ. Many people value pedigree and position in society, but
praise the Lord for a godly heritage!
God used Moody to reach millions for Christ who in turn
were used by God to shed the light of God to the world. Lucifer could not
compete with the Holy Spirit and his religious department worked overtime to
launch a number of attacks against the church of Jesus.
Charles Darwin was a tool of Satan. He was a demon
possessed man that was groomed by Lucifer’s religious department to present the
flawed evolutionary theory in his 1859 writing “On the Origin of Species.” Even
though this theory has never been proven, it was incorporated by the 1900s into
the standard teaching of public schools around the world. Any modern teacher
that refuses to teach Darwin’s theory will be fired.
The higher criticism movement that originated in German
universities eventually made its way to Western Europe, England, and the United
States. From there it passed to seminaries and Christian colleges. The pastors
that graduated from these institutions no longer believed the creation story,
doubted the divinity of Jesus – let alone that He even existed – and the Holy
Spirit was just a fairytale.
Lucifer secured two Anglican ministers, Brooke Westcott
and Fenton Hort, who were possessed by demons and delved into the occult. They
embraced corrupt manuscripts from Egypt and came up with a Greek translation of
the New Testament in 1881. I’m sure that Lucifer was overjoyed that the
Scripture had been contaminated and it wasn’t necessary to burn Bibles anymore
because the new versions would destroy Christianity.
Wescott and Hort’s Greek version of the New Testament was
updated by Eberhard Nestle and later by Kurt Aland. This revision was released
in 1898 and this bastard translation has been the foundation for all new English
Bibles, the most well-known is the New International Version (NIV) that was
published in 1978. Thousands of words and many complete verses are missing from
these bastard Bibles since they were originally removed by Westcott and Hort.
Lucifer knew the Christian faith would be perverted and the revivals would cease
since future generations would be indoctrinated by the bastard Bibles.
were still active intercessors on earth, and the darker it got, the more they
continued to pray. The result was the Welsh revival of 1904-1905 that swept part
of England. Taverns and dance places were closed down due to a severe loss of
customers. God raised up Billy Sunday in the United States. He was a prominent
baseball player that was gloriously filled with the Holy Spirit. One of the
things he preached against was alcohol. Sunday was used by God to create the
temperance movement that eventually led to a constitutional amendment
prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors.
The eighteenth amendment was in force from 1920 until 1933 when it was repealed
by the twenty-first amendment.
Up to this time in history, believers in Christ were
baptized in water by immersion and taught to value the Bible. The Holy Spirit
upped the ante in 1906 at a church on Azusa Street in Los Angeles when people
were not only saved, but baptized in the Holy Spirit, just like the early church
in the Book of Acts. News of the outpouring spread around the world through the
newspapers and suddenly pastors from across the nation and Europe traveled to be
part of the revival on Azusa Street. These men were baptized in the Holy Spirit
with the evidence of tongues. The sick, blind, and the lame came forward in
droves and were miraculously healed as hands were laid on them. All the visitors
returned home and the Holy Ghost fire spread worldwide!
Lucifer was in a quandary once again. How was he supposed
to stop this new Pentecostal movement? The solution could be found in the
Lutherans, Episcopalians, Methodists, and the Baptists who had been infiltrated
by religious demons and use these denominations against the Pentecostals.
History reveals the established denominations reacted
fiercely against the pastors, deacons, elders, missionaries, and members who
experienced the Holy Spirit baptism because they were kicked out of these
churches. Pentecostals were not allowed to advertise in traditional Christian
periodicals or publish books with established Christian publishing houses. The
Holy Spirit countered Satan’s move and the Pentecostals formed their own
churches to accommodate the huge growth they were experiencing.
people started to experiment with radio broadcasting after 1900 and it took a
long time until commercial radio stations emerged. Congress made it illegal for
people to own a radio transmitter or a radio receiver in 1917 during the first
world war. The ban on having a radio receiver was lifted in 1919.
A couple of years later the Westinghouse corporation
began operating three commercial radio stations in New York, Boston, and
Chicago. The concept of a radio station network came into being with the
National Broadcasting Company (NBC) doing it first in 1926. Columbia
Broadcasting System (CBS) was launched in 1927. All broadcasting at this time
was on the AM band.
By the end of 1922 there were 30 radio stations in the
United States. Ten years later there were 618 stations. By 1940 the number has
grown to 847 stations and by 1950 there were 2,144 radio stations. That year
marked the end of the radio monopoly with the debut of the television.
Prior to the radio, people received their news from
newspapers and word of mouth (i.e. talking with one another in person or over
the telephone). There were three million homes with a telephone by 1904.
Social life changed with the advent of the radio.
Everyone listened to the radio at dinner and later into the evening. The family
radio was a hub for news, music, and theater. They could hear from all over the
nation in the comfort of their home as programs were produced in the big cities
from the east to the west. This also prompted the rise of an entertainment
industry to feed the radio audience.
There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit began to move upon
Christian pastors and evangelists to embrace the radio as a tool to reach into
the homes of those that might not attend church.
pastor/evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944) was one of the first such
ministers to begin using the radio in conjunction with the regular services at
the Angelus Temple in Los Angeles. She filed for a station license in 1924 to
build her own radio station. The station went live on February 24 in Los Angeles
as one of the first outright Christian radio stations.
She was also the founder of the Foursquare Churches
denomination that in 2022 boasted 67,500 congregations in 150 countries with a
membership of 8.8 million. Since she was baptized in the Holy Spirit, she
re-introduced supernatural healings in the church and revival meetings.
E. Fuller (1887-1968) was a product of the spiritual work of D.L. Moody. He was
a native of Los Angeles and initially had no interest in Christianity. He
graduated with a degree in chemistry, but in 1916 at the age of 29, he ended up
in Moody Church in Chicago and was saved under the preaching of Pastor Paul
When Fuller returned to Los Angeles, he started to teach
an adult Sunday school class and take classes at the Bible Institute of Los
Angeles (BIOLA). R.A. Torrey became a mentor and Fuller became a Baptist pastor
of Calvary Church in 1925.
He realized the value of radio, and by 1930, the church
was broadcasting his Sunday morning worship service. In 1933 his radio program
and him traveling as an evangelist made him to resign from Calvary Church and he
subsequently formed a non-profit organization called Gospel Broadcasting
Association. His weekly broadcast was called “The Old Fashioned Revival Hour.”
The last broadcast was in April,1968. He died just a few days after his final
radio program.
By 1951 his program was carried on 650 radio stations. It
is estimated there were 10 million listeners in the United States and abroad.
In 1947 he founded the Fuller Seminary in Pasadena,
California. Since Fuller was a conservative Baptist, the seminary was a
stronghold of fundamental Baptist belief. Today it has succumbed to being
another liberal seminary.
In this write up, I have covered the running spiritual
war between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan since the days of Adam
and Eve. It has been a brutal conflict in which Satan was responsible for the
deaths of millions in the names of various false religions. Some of them were
Christian. Those who died without trusting in the Messiah as their Savior,
perished and wound up in hell. Many Christians went to heaven early as a result
of persecution.
During the time of the apostles, prayer was a staple in
the life of Christians, but by the second century, it had been sidelined. There
was a revival of prayer in the 19th century and it resulted in a number of
outpourings of the Holy Spirit. When the 20th century arrived, it was one of
rapid technical advancement. McPherson and Fuller were pioneers and they
inspired thousands of pastors and churches to purchase airtime from different
stations and promote the Gospel.
When there is a demand, there will always be an
entrepreneur that will respond accordingly. Hundreds of small radio stations
popped up across America catering to Christian programming.
Prayers, revivals, awakenings shaped the 19th century in
America and in my next installment we are going to look what took place in the
20th century.

From the Desk
of John S. Torell |