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God has bestowed humanity with free will and the next president will ostensibly be decided by the men and women who cast their votes in the fall election. Some will vote their conscience, but most will make a choice that is based upon party platform, gender, a single issue, the lesser of two evils, etc. Christians are tasked with proclaiming the Kingdom of God on earth. This means that we are active soul winners with the Holy Spirit’s help, but we are also willing to intercede and ask God the Father to intervene against the evil being perpetrated in the United States of America. Jesus promised that we would great works in His name.

“Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:11-14)

In examining the Democratic Party platform, they admit that our nation is at a turning point and have made it a point to specifically support the murder of babies, defend homosexuality, endorse same sex marriages, promote transgenderism, and encourage sexual education of impressionable children in public schools. In California, “sexual health education” and all that it entails starts in the sixth grade.[1]

The trend in public schools is to uphold homosexuality as a normal alternative lifestyle. If a student feels that he does not accept the gender in which he was born, it is okay to request a sex change. Teachers are told they are not allowed to speak to the parents if a child comes to them about such a matter. The task of parenting has effectively been supplanted by the state. It should be clear to Christians that any deviancy from heterosexuality is not sanctioned by God and the Bible plainly labels homosexuality sinful.[2] Thus, a born-again believer cannot in good conscience support and vote for the platform of the Democratic Party.


Each election is won or lost in the spirit world. There are two competing powers in the spirit realm:

  1. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit (The Godhead)

  2. Satan, fallen angels, and demons

Most Christians will vote in elections, but that is the extent of their involvement. Very few will pray for the candidates and the ballot issues. Some even abstain from their civic duty. It is logical that when ungodly people are elected, they bring evil to every area under their influence. This is precisely the point that Jesus strove to communicate.

“Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” (Matthew 7:16-18)

Christians in general know how to operate in this world. We hold down jobs, purchase homes and automobiles, marry and raise children, but when it comes to the spirit world, Christians are blissfully ignorant. Jesus stated that the unbelievers are more cunning than His followers.

“And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” (Luke 16:8)

Despite the claims of the Bible, they do not want to go beyond acknowledging that the Devil and holy angels exist. It is this faulty mentality that leads to personal destruction. Ignorance of God’s laws is not a viable defense that is honored in heaven.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” (Hosea 4:6)

Jesus informed us that Satan is the god of this world and the apostle Paul states that the Devil has blinded the minds of them which do not believe.[3]

Lucifer has two groups – satanism and witchcraft – that people can join if they want to worship him. His followers are extremely devoted and they have deliberate prayers that are fervently uttered. It is also not uncommon for them to bolster their prayers with fasting.

With such devoted disciples, Lucifer is able to tip the scale in elections because the prayers of his disciples give him the legal right to intervene in the affairs of men.


A lot of Christians often wonder if witchcraft is real or some kind of fantasy mumbo jumbo. The people who practice witchcraft refer to themselves as “Wiccan.” Witchcraft is nothing new and dates back several millennia when it was strongly condemned by God.[4]

King Saul was in a dire situation, and instead of seeking God and asking Him for help, he sought out a witch.[5] Rebellion is a sin and equated to witchcraft.[6] King Manasseh was deeply into witchcraft.[7] Simon of Samaria was a sorcerer (witch).[8] The Bible verifies that witchcraft is real and that a person engaging in such a practice is using power from Satan.


Modern witchcraft dates back to 1954 when British civil servant Gerald Gardner (1884-1964), together with Doreen Valiente (1922-1999), built Wicca's liturgical tradition of beliefs, principles, and practices, and disseminated them through published books as well as secret written and oral teachings passed along to initiates.

Wicca has gone mainstream in the United States and the following witchcraft organizations are registered with the IRS as churches:

  1. Aquarian Tabernacle Church

  2. Bricket Wood coven

  3. Children of Artemis

  4. Church and School of Wicca

  5. Circle Sanctuary

  6. Coven Celeste

  7. Covenant of the Goddess

  8. New Forest coven

According to Newsweek there are 1.5 million people practicing the Wicca religion.

Witchcraft and pagan religious practices increased in the U.S. over the past few decades, with millennials turning to alternatives ranging from astrology and tarot cards and away from Christianity. The number of witches and Americans practicing Wicca religious rituals increased dramatically since the 1990s.  A Trinity College study conducted in 1990 estimated only about 8,000 Wiccans in the U.S., but the increase has been led by a rejection of mainstream Christianity among young Americans as well as a rise in occultism.[9]


Mario Murillo, a much-respected Christian leader, published the following warning before the first presidential debate. He stated there is a global concerted effort by those involved in witchcraft to put curses on Trump during the debate.

“The goal of the curses and spells is to cause Trump to look ridiculous, reactionary, confused, unlikeable, and un-presidential in the debate. They are doing spells to make the viewing public be mesmerized by Kamala, and to be drawn to her, while negatively changing their opinion about DJT.  This must be blocked starting now and throughout the debate. Boomerang it back on the evil ones, so that Harris displays everything that they are trying to cast on DJT.”


The majority of modern pastors have been taught there is no personal Devil as brought out by the Scriptures. The professors at seminaries teach this is a superstition dating back thousands of years. The general teaching in most seminaries, regardless of the denomination, is that Jesus was superstitious and a child of His time, meaning the incarnated Son of God was merely using examples that the people listening to His stories could relate to and understand. Satan is a figment of uneducated men and demons do not exist. It is with this understanding that few pastors lead their congregation in spiritual warfare. Yet, there are millions of people who believe in Lucifer, actively worshiping and praying to him. If the Devil is a figment of our imagination, why does he respond to the prayers of his followers?

People who actively worship the Devil are less open about their activities. There are no known public institutions or church denominations. Each local cabal was called a Grotto to reinforce the hidden or underground aspects of its members. The local Satanists gather to socialize or engage in ritualistic activities.[10] The most visible Satanist was Anton LaVey (1930-1997), who founded the Church of Satan in 1966.[11] His Victorian house in San Francisco was subsequently painted black and one window facing the street was illuminated by a red light.


I formed an evangelistic team in 1972 which consisted of about fifteen persons that featured musicians and singers. During our training sessions, I prepared them to cast out demons and pray for the sick. I told the group of Anton LaVey and the hedonistic Church of Satan in San Francisco. Most of the group did not believe me and so I organized a trip to see LaVey’s weird building. We left from different places in several cars and one person got lost. He thought we had an appointment, and he could not find the place; therefore, he called the Church of Satan and apologized for not being able to make the appointment. Thus, when the rest of us gathered on the sidewalk opposite of the house to pray and sing, the Satanists knew who we were and we saw them watching us from the red window. Curses were undoubtedly spoken against us because a few days later we started experiencing strange things and some of the team members were involved in car accidents.

About three months later we traveled to a Pentecostal church in the Los Angeles area, and when we got up to sing, the pastor stopped us and stated we were cursed and infested with demons. He was ignorant of our history and brief involvement with the Church of Satan. A number of people came to the stage and began to cast out demons and break curses. We all felt the curses lifted and from that time we had no more problems.

In 1979 I had another run-in with LaVey and his group. A friend of mine, Pastor Gordon Ginn, had a small Baptist church in the Sacramento area. One day a young woman from LaVey’s church escaped to Sacramento and stayed in a motel. She searched the phone book for churches and selected Ginn’s church. She asked for help and visited the church where she met Ginn and his assistant pastor. They led her to Christ but were ignorant about casting out demons. The salvation provided by Jesus certainly helped and she moved to Oklahoma a short time later to attend a Christian college.

A few weeks later, a second young woman fled the Church of Satan and sought out Ginn’s church. Just like they had done previously, this woman was led to the Lord and her life was changed for the better. She too decided to attend the same school in Oklahoma and joined the other woman. A few weeks went by and one day an assassin shot and killed her as she walked on campus in the middle of the day.

Ginn and I had engaged in discussions about the Holy Spirit prior to these events, but he had never told me about the women from the Church of Satan. One day I received a startling phone call from his wife as she related that Gordon was paralyzed and could not move. Knowing that I prayed for the sick and cast out demons, she begged me to come and pray for her husband.

Aina came with me and we saw Gordon lying in bed and unable to move. Doris recounted the story of the two women and I realized that LaVey and his group had cast a spell on Gordon to punish his involvement. I immediately took dominion and called upon the Holy Spirit for help. I began to break all curses spoken against Gordon and then cast out the associated demons. This prayer took less than two minutes, and when I was done, Gordon rose up from the bed, completely restored to his normal self. We praised God and I thought the battle was over.

A few days later I received a second call from Doris in which she recounted Gordon was in some kind of trance. He had picked up one of his guns and stated he was going to kill himself. Aina and I only lived only a block away from them and we immediately rushed over. When I walked in the house, Gordon was pointing the gun at his head. There wasn’t time to think and I screamed out, “In the name of Jesus!” The result was immediate as the gun fell from Gordon’s hand. This time I made a greater effort to ensure that every demon associated with the group from San Francisco was locked up by God’s holy angels. I broke any new curses against Gordon and he was not bothered again by the efforts of LaVey and his followers.

I prayed for Gordon to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and warned that engaging powerful demons could get him killed. It was like fighting someone with both arms tied behind your back. He recognized the truth of my words and he became a believer in the power of the Holy Spirit. He had become a “Bapticostal.”

When LaVey discovered the first woman had fled from his cabal, he ordered a ritual to be held and demons were called up. He asked where the woman had gone and the demons provided the details, including the name and address of the pastor that helped her. In a different ritual, demons were summoned and told to afflict Gordon. LaVey even engaged people to drive slowly past Gordon’s house to scare him and send a not-so-subtle message that he was being watched. This took place for several days and ended after I cast out the spirit of death.  

I shared this personal story for you to understand the reality that Satanists are not a joke. They knew exactly how to pray to the Devil and conjure up demons to do their bidding.


Anton LaVey expelled Wayne West from the Church of Satan in 1971 and he went on to form the First Occultic Church.

Michael Aquino joined the army in 1968 and served as a psychological warfare officer in Vietnam. He joined the Church of Satan in 1969 and in the 1970s was a NATO liaison officer to different European nations. Disagreements with the way LaVey ran things caused Aquino to leave in 1975 and he created an offshoot called the Temple of Set. He served as a reserve attaché to the Defense Intelligence Agency in 1981. Aquino’s background is important because it shows that even government officials can be involved in the occult.


Satanists are secretive and most do not actively publicize their whereabouts, members, and activities. Witches on the other hand are more open to the public and advertise their organizations.

Whether you realize it or not, Freemasons are part of the satanic mix because they worship Lucifer as well. There are approximately 890,000 members in the United States, and worldwide they number some six million.[12] Since they have lodges in most cities throughout America, they have a great impact in the spirit world, serving as a hidden force of Satan of which most Christians are ignorant. It is fairly common in the southern states for pastors, elders and deacons to be members in the lodges. Many black pastors have been enticed to become Freemasons and this has opened the door for Satan to work in their churches.

The Order of Skull and Bones is an elite organization headquartered at Yale University. Fifteen graduate students are selected each year to become Bonesmen. This is a hardcore Luciferian organization and it is unknown how many members are living at any given time. They stopped publishing rosters after 1982 and thus we no longer know how many are active today. The following is a short list of well-known Bonesmen:

  • President William Taft

  • Senator Prescott Bush

  • President George H.W. Bush

  • Senator John Kerry

  • President George W. Bush

Adding to this satanic mix are all the fraternity organizations on colleges and universities. Members must take an oath of death and pledge allegiance to the fraternity. The influence of these fraternities causes the young people to drink alcohol and engage in fornication. When these men and women graduate and enter the workforce, they have been conditioned to a sinful life and represent the moral decay in our nation.


As previously stated, people involved in witchcraft and Satanism are extremely devoted to their god and he is a hard taskmaster who demands absolute obedience. Witches and Satanists know the power of prayer and they enhance it with fasting. They pray fervently to Lucifer and ask him for favors. Some of them have bragged about swaying the outcome of elections. There are local, state, and national elections in play and they want their people to be in power so the satanic agenda can move forward.

Prayer and fasting work in the spirit realm for Satanists and Christians alike. These two actions give Satan the legal right to influence the population how to vote. The Democratic Party relies on the fact that their followers are generational. A son votes democratic because his father voted that way, and so did the grandfather, etc. These voters do not examine the issues or the candidates because they are generational democratic supporters. The god of this world has indeed blinded them.[13]


When the Europeans settled up and down the east coast of North America, it was necessary to maintain a vigilant attitude or some evil could befall them from man or animal. It was essential to be constantly alert for potential danger and society today no longer functions in that manner. Yet the same dangers still exist; they cannot be disregarded. Likewise, Christians cannot have a carefree attitude when it comes to the spirit realm. We have witnessed the results when believers passively watch events unfold and cry out to God afterwards. Is there a more excellent way? Yes, the following action plan will change your life, the community in which you live, and has the potential to transform our nation. It is a bloodless revolution that converts the souls of men and women. The Holy Spirit is the glue that unites believers, providing unity in diversity, while moving toward the same goal.


Step One

Christians must repent of sin committed after salvation. Receiving Christ as your Lord and Savior does not mean you and I stop sinning; we still have our sinful nature.[14] God’s words to King Solomon are the blueprint for Him to intervene in our nation.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:14-15)

I have made it a habit to ask the Lord to forgive me for any sin I did throughout the day before I go to sleep.

“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” (1 John 1:8-10)

Whether we pray as a group or an individual, it still begins with repentance and then we offer up our petitions. In this case, we are focusing on the 2024 election. Ask God to destroy the prayers of the witches and Satanists. Pray for their salvation, after all, Jesus died for everyone.

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

Saul of Tarsus was a terrible human being; he was a Pharisee and a murderer. He hated Jesus and all the Jews who were born again, wanting to eradicate them from the face of the earth.

“As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.” (Acts 8:3)

Havoc is a noun that refers to great chaos, destruction, or disorder. Saul was an enemy of Jesus and filled with an ungodly hate. Even so, this was the man Jesus decided to recruit and turn into one of the greatest apostles. He traveled extensively to support and plant churches and his prolific writing would go on to become the doctrine of the Christian faith.[15]

Make a list of the worst politicians in the nation and pray for them – on a daily basis – to be convicted by the Holy Spirit and born again. Hillary Clinton would be a great start; she could become a great evangelist for Christ.

Step Two

Make the decision to fast for the outcome of the election. I currently fast one day a week to show my sincerity for this election. There is no set rule for how long a fast should last. It can be limiting yourself to one meal a day or going without food for several days at a time.

Prayer solves many things, but as Jesus stated, there are certain things in the spirit world that can only be handled by prayer and fasting.[16]

Step Three

Pray for Donald Trump, for him to read the Bible on a daily basis, that he will seek the Lord, and that he will clean up his language. Pray for his safety; that God will put a hedge around him and his family.

Pray that he will win the presidential election and set the country in order like the godly kings of Israel and later of Judah.

Pray that the Republicans running for seats in the Senate and House of Representatives will be elected to provide a majority in both chambers so that recommendations by the president can be approved in both houses.

Pray for the safety of the conservative Supreme Court Justices. Bring up the liberal judges, that God will either save or remove them.

Pray for pastors in the area where you live that the Holy Spirit will move them into action and to stand up for the truth.

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries has taken a strong stand and Pastor Donnie Swaggart dedicated four messages in August and September to preach hellfire and brimstone about the election. He made it abundantly clear that Christians cannot vote for the Democratic Party and claim to love Jesus too.

Be consistent in your prayer and fasting. Ask the Lord for a supernatural move of God in our nation.



[1] Education Code §§ 51930-51939

[2] Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:18-28

[3] John 14:30; 2 Corinthians 4:4

[4] Exodus 22:18

[5] 1 Samuel 28:5-11

[6] 1 Samuel 15:22-23

[7] 2 Chronicles 33:6

[8] Acts 8:9-11

[9] https://tinyurl.com/ytwcscef

[10] https://tinyurl.com/4pnxhn83

[11] https://tinyurl.com/mur3zp78

[12] https://tinyurl.com/4c7pncz4

[13] 2 Corinthians 4:4

[14] Romans 7:14-25

[15] Acts 9:1-20

[16] Matthew 17:19-21




From the Desk of John S. Torell





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