European-American Evangelistic Crusades, Inc. March 2001 NewsletterJohn S. Torell NEWSFLASH FROM EUROPE The British economist, Bernard Connolly had been fired from his employment with the government of the EU, after he had written a book "The Rotten Heart of Europe," in which he wrote a blasting report about the European monetary integration. The legal ruling stated that the EU commission could restrict dissent in order to protect the rights of others and punish individuals who damaged the institution’s image and reputation. The Court called Connolly’s book aggressive, derogatory and insulting, taking particular umbrage at the author’s suggestion that Economic and Monetary Union was a threat to democracy, freedom and ultimately peace. It is important for readers outside Europe to understand, that the current Union is different from the old Common Market. Each membership state has surrendered its sovereignty to the Federal Government in Brussels, Belgium and nations like England, France, Germany etc. still have national laws, but if a national law is in conflict with federal law, the national law is voided. Thus the European Union is almost the same as the United States, where state laws are subject to federal laws. Despite a recent landmark ruling in England concerning free speech, the prosecutor in the case against Connolly stated that it had no value, federal law is above state law. Connolly has been ordered to pay the European Commission’s legal cost. Since the Antichrist will have his power base in Europe, this is a chilling reminder that his power base is being built and has progressed far beyond what is comfortable for Christians. His legal power as described in Revelation, Chapter 13, is now being put in place by World Government agents, who are eagerly waiting for their coming "messiah," which the Bible calls "The Son of Perdition." ARE THE BRITISH PEOPLE
BEING PUNISHED? The British Government has not fully cooperated with the federal government of EU, which has created great anger toward the British. Let me share with you my personal belief in a very frightening situation: During the last couple of years the farmers in England have been hit very hard. The first disaster for the British farmers was the Mad Cow Disease. A number of people in England came down with this dreadful disease. Some have died while the rest of them are in a dying condition. There is no cure for this disease which is caused by some kind of a virus, similar to what is found in Aids. The virus attacks cells in the brain and literally eats holes in the brain, thus disabling the animal or the human being, leading to death after a long and painful process. As soon as the epidemic broke out in England, EU moved fast and stopped all export of British beef and dairy products to the rest of the nations on the continent. British farmers were forced to slaughter and burn their entire stock of cows. It has put a great strain on the British economy, since the entire food production chain is affected. When the British government officials started to investigate from where this disease could possible have started, the blame was laid on the feed sold to the farmers. Instead of giving the cows hay and other grains to eat, parts of slaughtered animals were ground up and mixed into the feed in order to speed up the growth in the calves and increase the milk production in the adult cows. Once the British farmers thought that the worst was over, in came the next disaster. Foot and Mouth Disease has been sweeping over the English country side, affecting cloven-hoofed animals like cows, bulls, steers, sheep and pigs. As of this writing 80,000 animals have been killed and burned in order to stop the disease from spreading. Once again there is no export of meat and dairy products from England, the farmers lose their entire livestock once a farm has been declared infected. These farmers do not have the money to start over so it is changing the entire farming industry in England. The British people are being brought to their knees and will be at the mercy of EU to bail them out. I suspect that the World Government has waged a biological war against the British people. After all, some 20 years ago, Aids was spread via hepatitis vaccine in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles to reduce the homosexual population. Then it was infused into small pox vaccine and given out to millions of people in Africa which became and is a grave yard. People are dying of Aids in nation after nation where the vaccine was given out by the World Health Organization. 1 EU cannot be what the World Government wants it to be without England. Since the British people are not cooperating, they must be conquered. Today, new wars are not fought with bullets and bombs, but with germs, viruses and deadly gases. I strongly suspect that biological combat units were dispatched to England and without mercy carried out their deadly assignment. At this point I do not have documentation for this, but knowing much about biological warfare, and then seeing this double outbreak in just one nation, causes me to come to this conclusion. For awhile the American media gave some attention to this project that has the entire European continent in an uproar, with wide coverage on TV and in the press. But as usual, the World Government does not want the American people to know about this, this is a dirty little job on the Brits, and why should America care? In the beginning the American media brought out the news, that the American Red Cross had issued a ruling, that all American military personnel, their dependents and all others who have lived in Europe for the last four years, cannot give blood at the Red Cross collection centers. They know that many Americans who have eaten British meat are infected, and since the incubation period is five years or more, they do not want the American blood supply to be contaminated. The Mad Cow Disease will eventually start killing Americans and then the media will talk about it, but it will be too late to stop the spread of this disease. However, this is the way the World Government wants it. They decreed many years ago that there are too many people living on the earth, so there must be a population reduction. THE STRANGE LIFE OF REV. JESSE JACKSON
When Bill Clinton was caught committing adultery with Monica Lewinsky, then lying about it, and when finally cornered, confessed to it, Jesse Jackson was one of the so called "ministers" that the Clinton family called upon in their hour of distress. I felt that this was another typical Bill Clinton special, he was not going to call in a Bible believing, washed in the blood of Jesus preacher, he wanted some liberal minister, who did not preach the Word of God, but was rather "a social engineer." At the "photo op" Jackson was seen holding hands with and comforting "the hurting Clinton family." Then on January 17, 2001, the National Enquirer published the news that Jesse Jackson (now 60 years old) had been committing adultery on an ongoing basis with former college professor, Karin Stanford (39 years old), as she had been employed with the Rainbow Coalition office in Washington D.C. Stanford became pregnant by Jackson in August 1998 (a DNA test later confirmed that Jesse was the father of this girl, now 20 months old), which was the time when Jesse Jackson on public television asked the American people to forgive Bill Clinton for his adultery with Monica Lewinsky. In December 1998, Jesse Jackson took four-months-pregnant Karin Stanford to the White House, together with other Rainbow Coalition staffers to meet President Clinton, and he stood next to her during a photo op session. Shortly after this event Mrs. Jackie Jackson (wife of Jesse for 38 years) found out about the adultery, and went to the office in Washington D.C. and confronted Stanford. While Stanford was sexually involved with Jesse Jackson, she was also sexually involved with an attorney. It was not until the DNA test, that all three of them knew that Jesse was the father. In order to keep this scandal under wraps, Stanford was asked to move back to Los Angeles, California, from where she had come. She was given $40,000.00 to enable her to move back and find a dwelling place. An agreement was drawn up between Jesse and Karin Stanford, that for her silence she would receive support to the tune of $3,000.00 per month. In order to justify the $40,000 payment, Stanford was hired as a consultant for the Rainbow Coalition in Los Angeles. This raises another question: How can a "poor" Baptist preacher pay out $3,000 per month in child support and at the same time take care of his own family? Here is the shocking news that Jesse Jackson and his handlers do not want you to know. Karin Stanford was paid a total of $120,000.00 during the year of 1999, after which she resigned from the Rainbow Coalition. This is a very large salary to be paid by so called "charitable organizations," which are set up to help poor black Americans, not to get involved in voter registration. Jesse Jackson has set up a conglomerate of eight nonprofit and public organizations, the most well known are "PUSH," (People United to Serve Humanity) "CEF," (Citizens Education Fund) and the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, formed in 1996 as a for profit corporation. Four of the non-profit organizations took in $17 million during year 2000. In a financial report released by Jesse Jackson’s accountant, Billy R. Owens for year 2000, the following salaries and expenses were reported: Jesse was paid an annual salary of $120,000.00, plus undisclosed speaking fees, and $5,000.00 per week for hosting a cable television show. Jackson’s travel expenses for the year totaled $614,419.00, which was paid on top of all his other compensations. The national Democratic party kicked in $450,000.00 on the travel expenses, since they had Jesse involved in voter registration drives across the nation. Billy R. Owens, vice president and chief financial officer of Jackson’s four interlocking organizations had an annual salary of 137,500.00 for year 2000. The 102 employees of these four organizations had an average annual salary of $42,145.00. HOW DOES JESSE JACKSON RAISE MONEY? JESSE JACKSON IS BEING USED BY
THE WORLD GOVERNMENT It took Jackson only six days to straighten out his life, and on January 23 he held a news conference and told the media that he was back to a normal work schedule. The only reason he could do this, was that the World Government had given orders to the American media to stop talking about Jesse Jackson’s adultery. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, talk show hosts and the so called "comedians" on the late night shows all toed the line and the story of adultery disappeared. Compare this to the treatment the media gave to Jim Bakker and PTL in the 1980s. The American media hounded Jim Bakker until they had destroyed his ministry and saw him sent off to prison. Not to forget the destruction of evangelist Jimmy Swaggart, when he was caught in sexual misconduct. The American media has been ruthless in the past toward Christian ministers like Oral Roberts, Rex Humbard, Jerry Falwell and many others. Why the difference? THE WORLD GOVERNMENT WANTS TO
DESTROY BLACK AMERICANS Planned Parenthood is an organization working for the World Government. Their goal is to kill off so-called undesireable people. Where did they set up the majority of their abortion (murder) clinics? In the black communities, in the slums of the inner city. The Democratic party is using all minorities for their own purposes, while at the same time they are destroying them morally and physically. The only hope for black Americans is the same as that of all other races, and His name is JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD! Thus the goal of Satan and his people is to destroy faith in God, and give the black Americans a new religion which will strip them of all power. BLACK MUSLIMS When young black people see the corruption in men like Jesse Jackson and his leaders, they become disgusted and angry. They will reject Christ because corrupt "so-called Christian" ministers are fleecing the flock. WHO
WILL BE BLAMED? Many black ministers have been courted by the Freemasons. They were enticed and joined a brotherhood of death, themselves taking an oath of death. What a shame! IS THERE A SOLUTION? It does not begin with masses of people, it begins in the heart of one person at a time, letting Jesus come in and do a mighty work. Joel 2:1-19; Revelation 3:14-22. Are you willing to join me in this battle for souls, before it is too late? NEWS FROM OUR MINISTRY
IN SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Spiritually, we have seen much growth in our ministry, while there are reports of miracles and evidence of God moving among our families and children. New people have come in and we need more space to accommodate them. Our congregation is giving sacrificially over their tithes but the need to move is urgent. Any amount with which you can help us will be greatly appreciated.
1. See our well documented articles on this subject on our website or request back issues of The Dove, where we wrote about this. Back to 2001 Newsletters
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