Imagine being forcibly removed from your parents and
taken to a faraway land where you are made a eunuch and expected to
devote your life in service to a foreign king. This was the
situation of three Jewish teenagers. You know them as Shadrach,
Meshach and Abednego. It was not a good situation, but their resolve
to implicitly trust the Lord saw them blessed with wisdom and power
as they rose to the top echelons within the Babylonian government.
Nevertheless, Nebuchadnezzar still ordered them to worship a golden
statue or endure a painful death by fire. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not bother to pray
over the matter and bluntly told the king something to the effect
that pigs would fly before they bowed to the statue. It is important
to note that they didn't know if God was going to rescue them or let
them die in the fire but history shows that God honored their faith
and used them to show King Nebuchadnezzar and his court that the God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was supreme and far above the demon gods
of Babylon. God is still a worker of miracles; He is the same
yesterday, today and forever. |