Question #19
QUESTION: Are people who believe the King James
Bible "church splitters?"
ANSWER: No. The only church that a believer in the
perfect Bible could possibly split would have to be one that didn't
believe that the Bible was perfect.
EXPLANATION: Sometimes false accusations are based
on misunderstandings. Sometimes they are based upon utter and complete
falsehood. The fallacy that people believing in the perfect Bible are
church splitters is unfortunately based entirely and maliciously on
Sadly, there are many Christians who have been
through the traumatizing experience of a church split. It would be
erroneous to pretend that every church split was caused by someone
believing that the King James Bible was perfect.
Churches split over everything from money issues to the question of
what color to paint the new auditorium. The FACT of the matter is that
Christians sadly lack the grace found in Romans 14 and Luke 17:1-5. It has
nothing to do with the King James Bible. To try to claim that it does is
to be a great deal less than honest.