The Answer Book
by Samuel C. Gipp, Th.D.
Dr. Samuel C. Gipp, author of
An Understandable
History of the Bible, answers 62 common questions about the King James

The reason for this book is two-fold. First, it was
written to answer the raft of questions used by critics of the King
James Bible to attack and destroy the faith of anyone who really
BELIEVES that the Bible is infallible. The style is such that its
arguments can be understood and advanced by one who has NOT had the
benefit (or curse) of a Bible college education. This brings us to
the second reason for its existence. Some time ago a leader of a
large fundamental movement made the statement, "What really fires me
is ... these guys with a High School education debating textual
criticism." That is the second purpose of this book. For years those
faithful folk who have not been to college have been bullied around
for their lack of formal education by an arm load of D.D.'s who seek
to keep them "in the dark." Many of these people have done more
serious study of the Bible issue in the privacy of their homes than
the honorarily doctored critics have in college classrooms. Yet the
common man is often intimidated by the "trick" questions asked by
his "educated" foe. The critic feels invincible in his armor of
education. This book is written so that the ordinary Christian will
be properly equipped to defend him or herself from the fiery darts
of their pompous foes. In fact, they may even punch a few holes in
their armor.
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Shouldn't We
Be Loyal to the Originals?
"Easter" a Mistranslation?
Was King
James a Homosexual?
What About
the Archaic Words?
Hasn't the
King James Bible Been Revised?
Don't the
Best Manuscripts Support the New Versions?
Don't We
Need Perfect Bibles in Other Languages?
Where Do
Bible Manuscripts Come From?
What is the
Was the King
James Bible Good Enough for Paul?
What About
the Italicized Words?
Aren't There
Great Men Who Use Other Versions?
Where Was
the Bible Before 1611?
Did the A.V.
Translators Claim to be Inspired?
Today's Scholars Better Equipped to Translate?
How Did King
James Authorize His Translation?
Who Was the
King James Bible Translated For?
Is the King
James Bible the Word of God Because I Got Saved Through It?
Are King
James Bible Believers Church Splitters?
Aren't All
King James Bible Believers Name Callers?
Do King
James Bible Believers Worship the Bible?
Aren't King
James Bible Believers a Cult?
Is it Heresy
to Believe the King James Bible is Perfect?
Who Was Dean
What is
Different Between a 'TR Man' and 'KJV Man?'
Will a Bible
Education Help Clear Up the Issue?
Do People
Who Use Other Versions Hate God?
Is the King
James Bible Inspired or Preserved?
Can a
Translation be Inspired?
Can a
Translation be as Good as the Originals?
Can't We
Find the Fundamentals in Other Bibles?
How Can So
Many People be Wrong About the KJV?
Is it Wrong
to Call the Holy Spirit "it?"
Didn't the
KJV Contain the Apocrypha at First?
Can Someone
Get Saved Using Another Version?
What About
the Testimony of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
What About
All the "Thees" and "Thous?"
Is the New
King James Version an Improvement?
Is the New
Scofield Bible a King James Bible?
Is the New
International Version Trustworthy?
Do New Manuscripts Support
the King James Bible?
Aren't Modem Translations
Easier to Understand?
Is the Devil Behind the
Confusion of Bible Versions?
Who Were Wescott and Hort?
Can a Person of Greek Ethnic
Origin Understand the Greek New Testament and English Bible Better?
What is a Ruckmanite?
What About the Nuggets Found
Only in the Greek?
Wasn't the Textus Receptus
Named After 1611?
Were the KJV Translators Baby
If Believing the King James
Bible is Contrary to the Stand My Alma Mater Takes What Should I Do?
What is Progressive
Is Believing the KJV the
Historic Position?
Should We Make An Issue Out
of Bible Translations?
Shouldn't We Respect the
Education of the Many Drs. in the Issue of the Bible?
Shouldn't We Emphasize the
Love of Jesus?
What About When My Lexicon
and Bible Contradict?
Was Erasmus a Good Roman
How Many Mistakes Are in the
King James Bible?
What About My Friends and
Future If I Stand for the King James Bible?
What About a Contradiction
That Can't be Explained?
What If There Really Are
Mistakes in the King James Bible?
I'm Convinced That the King
James Bible is the Infallible Word of God. Now What Should I Do?
Appendix #1
Appendix #2
©2003 Samuel C. Gipp
Author's Note
All reference to "the Bible," "the Holy Bible," "God's Perfect Bible,"
"Holy Scripture," etc, are references to the Authorized Version of 1611,
also known as the King James Bible, unless otherwise defined by the
immediate context of a passage.
Also: Although each question is handled individually, some of the later
questions build on the answer of a previous question. For that reason it
is advisable to read this book from start to finish rather than by
skipping around to the questions that most interest you.
Thank you,
Dr. Samuel C. Gipp
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