Question #22
QUESTION: Aren't King James Bible believers a
EXPLANATION: The charge that King James Bible
believers are a cult is similar to the charge that they worship the Bible.
It is a result of the same frustration and born of the same malice. Sadly,
when facts do not prove them right, character assassination is in order.
Cults are somewhat difficult to define, although there are two
outstanding characteristics evident in all cults.
First, a cult has a central body that makes decisions for all of its
disciples. Most King James Bible believers are fiercely independent and
many times disagree about other doctrines, even with one another. Their
only central authority is the Bible, not a college or university.
Secondly, most cults fear that their disciples will investigate their
opposition's beliefs and then be converted by the truth. Therefore they
make strict rules disallowing books and materials that disagree with their
Again, since the facts support the Authorized
Version, King James Bible believers are not afraid to study the charges of
their critics. In fact, this book attempts to confront all of the Bible
critic's charges with complete candor.
Now, it will be noted that, there are some Bible colleges and
universities which have a policy of confiscating books which support the
view of a perfect Bible. In fact, this book may be on
that list someday.
It makes one wonder just who is the "cult" and who