Question #31
QUESTION: I can still find the fundamentals in
other bibles. So how can they be bad?
ANSWER: Any fundamental found in any version is
found purer or more frequently in the King James Bible thus making the
King James Bible the best of the field.
EXPLANATION: Most people who claim to be able to
find the fundamentals in other versions forget that the very fundamentals
which they claim to be able to find, were originally taught them from a
King James Bible.
Following are just a few doctrines which can be found
in other versions but found in a weaker state than in the
King James Bible. (The versions mentioned are used as a cross- section of
versions available and do not necessarily include or exclude others.)
1. The deity of Christ is watered down in Acts 3:13,26, 4:27,30 in the
New King James Version, the New International Version and New American
Standard Version where Jesus is called God's "servant" instead of God's
2. The doctrine of Hell is watered down in Luke 16:23 in the New King
James Version and New American Standard Version where they transliterate
"Hades" instead of translating it as "Hell."
3. The salvation of the Ethiopian eunuch is eliminated in the New
International Version and New American Standard Version where Acts 8:37 is
removed from the text.
4. The Ascension of Jesus Christ is left out of Luke 24:51 in a New
American Standard Version.
5. The virgin birth of Jesus is denied in the New International
Version and New American Standard Version in Luke 2:33 where Joseph is
called Jesus' father.
6. The doctrine of the Trinity is either removed or questioned in I
John 5:7 where the New American Standard Version and New International
Version remove the verse and then split verse 6 and manufacture a false
verse 7 and in the New King James Version where a note casts doubt on its
These are just a few corruptions in the texts of
today's modern versions. It is not an exhaustive list by any means.
It may be stated that such criticism of other bibles is "nit-picking".
But, let it be remembered that, if you can find a particular doctrine in a
modern bible, let's say, 200 times and you can find the same
doctrine more times in the King James, then the King
James is stronger.