Question #37
QUESTION: What if I really have
trouble with all of the "thee's" and "thou's" in the Bible'?
ANSWER: So what? Read it anyway.
EXPLANATION: Someone once said, "God will give you
a steak, but He won't cut it up and feed it to you."
Consider these facts:
God has gone to all the trouble to inspire the
perfect originals. He has collated the books of the Old Testament and New
Testament and documented their authenticity. He has preserved
His words against attack from Roman Catholic tyrants and Alexandrian
philosophers. This process has cost Him the lives, homes and families of
some of His most faithful servants. He assembled the very best scholars in
history and had them translate it into the world's language (English) in
its absolutely purest form.
And then YOU gripe about the "thee's" and "thou's".
Shut up and eat your steak!