Question #46
QUESTION: What is a "Ruckmanite?"
ANSWER: "Ruckmanite" is a name Bible critics call
anyone who disagrees with them.
EXPLANATION: Peter Sturges Ruckman was born in
1921. He has spent years studying the manuscript history of the Bible. He
received his doctorate in philosophy from Bob Jones University.
He has personally founded or helped to found dozens of churches. He is
the founder and president of the Pensacola Bible Institute in Pensacola,
Florida, where he has trained hundreds of preachers, missionaries and
Christian laymen. He has also authored over forty books and Bible
He is, without a doubt, the most outspoken champion of the King James
Bible in this generation. He is considered an extremely dangerous foe to
the Bible critics who teach that God has not preserved His Bible perfect.
(In spite of Psalm 12:6, 7).
His arsonal consists of an above average intellect, years of studying
Bible manuscripts and a caustic delivery. This abrasive preaching style so
offends (and scares) today's limpwristed "soldiers of the Lord" that they
shrink from any confrontation with him, OR the facts he presents.
ALL Bible critics claim to believe that the Bible is the "perfect word
of God without a mixture of error." They make this claim to deceive the
people in their congregations. They live in fear that a member of their
congregation will pick up one of Dr. Ruckman's many books and discover the
difference between someone who "claims" to believe that the Bible is
perfect and someone who really does.
Many Christians on their own, have concluded that the Bible (King
James Bible) is the absolute perfect word of God. They, in complete
innocence, will question their pastor's "improvements" on scripture and
suddenly find themselves denounced as a "Ruckmanite. " In many cases they
have never even heard of Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.
This denunciation is a simple yet desperate tactic. No Christian wants
to be guilty of "following a man." Therefore, the Bible critic reasons
that if Bible believers can be accused of "man following" they will
discard their conviction and humbly follow them.
I once met a preacher who rejected the thought of being grouped with
Bible believers because he would then be a "Ruckmanite." He claimed, " I
don't follow any man."
This sounds very pious. He later informed me that he was a
"Calvinist." (A follower of the teachings of the man, John Calvin).
So, today, anyone who really believes that the Bible is the perfect
word of God without a mixture of error AND can produce it instead of just
talk about it can expect to be called a "Ruckmanite" by someone who feels
threatened by their faith and confidence.