Question #50
QUESTION: Believing that the King James Bible is
the perfect Word of God is contrary to the stand that my "Alma Mater"
takes. What should I do?
ANSWER: You should be loyal to God, Who
SHOULD be a little higher on your "loyalty list" than your
EXPLANATION: First, let's get it straight. You
do not have an "Alma Mater." The term "Alma Mater"
results from the combination of the Hebrew word for "virgin" (almah) and
the Greek word for "mother" (meter). Thus when you speak of your "Alma
Mater" you refer to your "Virgin Mother," a terminology which we fairly
say can only be used by Jesus Christ. Thus, although we may have to use
the more lengthy description "the college I attended" or just "my
college," we show much more respect for Jesus Christ than to go around
claiming that we have a "Virgin Mother" also.
Secondly, you should appreciate the time, trouble and effort that your
college went through to educate you. Education does not happen by
accident, thus you should be appreciative of what was done on your behalf.
Thirdly, "appreciation" taken into consideration, you do not owe your
SOUL to your college as you do to Jesus Christ. Therefore
you need not be "eternally grateful" to it in such a humiliating manner
that you are not allowed to control your own convictions once you
The receipt of "Dear Preacher Boy" letters from the college President
designed to pressure and intimidate you into "towing the college line"
should carry no more weight than the 3rd class "Dear Occupant" mail which
we all receive.
Jesus said, "The truth shall make you FREE" and any
school which is constantly reminding you of your "debt" to them for "all
we've done for you" is not interested in your freedom,
but your slavery. You needn't feel any guilt in "respectfully"
disregarding both their request and the claims.
Furthermore, if you went to a school where you paid your tuition, your
room and board, and the other associated costs of your education, then you
are totally free of any so called "debt" to your school. You may
wholeheartedly appreciate the "sacrifice, vision,
dedication, etc." of your school and its leaders, but your DEBT
to it ended when you made your final tuition payment. Your degree was not
given to you as a gift to show their benevolence. It was EARNED
by your academic efforts and PAID FOR by your cold cash,
not to mention a little "sacrifice, vision and dedication" of your own.
Your college did not give you your degree because it thought that it
would be a "nice" gesture. They gave it to you because they could
not refuse to. You had EARNED it by fulfilling the requirements
that they demanded. Including paying your bill. (Plus interest
in some cases.)
Thus if you find that the perfect Bible that your school spoke
of really does exist, and you fear being alienated from your
college and its "alumni", (Greek - "enlightened ones"?) then you should
remember that your debt to Jesus Christ is REAL while your "debt" to your
college is only imagined.
Which do you prefer to be alienated from, Jesus Christ or your
college? They are NOT one in the same.
John 8:32.