What is your understanding
of the spirit world? Who resides in the spirit realm? What laws govern this
reality? Do you know how to conduct spiritual warfare? These are just a few
questions that every Christian should be able to answer unwaveringly in order to
effectively conduct spiritual warfare.
The Bible states that God
is a Spirit and He can only be worshipped in spirit and in truth.
God dwells in the spirit world in a place known as heaven. This is where the
city of God is located. Angels are spirit beings created to carry out the work
of God in heaven as well as the physical universe in which we reside.
While angels are from the
spirit world, they are not ghosts. They are just as solid as you and I, meaning
that angel to angel is solid just as flesh to flesh is solid. They were designed
to operate in the spirit realm as well as the physical world.
Lucifer is a fallen angel
that rebelled against God. He is also known as Satan, the Devil, and that old
serpent. He is from the spirit world and so are all the other fallen angels and
demons. They have been confined to the earth and its atmosphere and are no
longer allowed to roam in the physical universe or heaven.
The Bible describes the angels as numerous as the stars, so this rebellion
represented one third of a virtually unlimited number.
Fallen angels generally do
not possess people as this practice usually falls to demons.
There is a specific instance where the Bible informs us that Lucifer entered
into Judas Iscariot.
But I am getting ahead of myself now. Let me take you back to the largest war
ever fought. I am not referring to World War 2. While this was an enormous
conflict that affected the whole earth, it was limited to just our planet and is
miniscule in comparison to the space war that engulfed the universe when Lucifer
and an untold number of angels rebelled against God. This took place prior to
the creation of Adam and Eve. We don’t know how long this conflict lasted, but
the residual damage from the battles marred and destroyed different planets
throughout the universe and the final battle was fought in our solar system.
Michael is an archangel and
his forces served with valor, providing security at the trial of Lucifer
afterwards. These angelic forces are still in charge of Lucifer, the fallen
angels and every evil spirit loose on the earth so that their attacks upon the
human race don’t go beyond the parameters set at the trial of Lucifer.
Michael and his forces are
in charge of Abraham and his offspring, which also includes the church of Jesus
Gabriel has been the chief
messenger in the New Testament, appearing to Zacharias (the father of John the
Baptist) and to a virgin named Mary who would give birth to the Messiah.
There were angels assigned
to guard Jesus during His time on earth as the God/man. An elite force of twelve
legions were put in charge of His security.
A Roman legion was built
upon a century comprised of eighty men. Six centuries of eighty men formed a
cohort and ten cohorts made up a legion. The infantry was supported by one
hundred twenty horsemen who acted as scouts and dispatch riders. The legion
could be further augmented by auxiliaries, cavalry, archers, and slingers. There
were also engineers, artillerymen, craftsmen, service and support personnel, and
irregular units made up of mercenaries and local militia. In addition, every
legion had a large baggage train for the soldiers’ equipment as well as camp
followers, servants and slaves. Legions could contain as many as 11,000 fighting
men with the inclusion of auxiliaries.
This meant that legions
typically numbered anywhere from 5,200 to 6,000 soldiers. If we were to use the
number 5,500, we could deduce that Jesus had a personal bodyguard of some 66,000
angels during His earthly ministry.
Lucifer and the fallen
angels were all sentenced to the Lake of Fire for their part in the rebellion.
The Devil immediately challenged the ruling and accused God of being
unrighteous. His reasoning was simple. How could a loving God cast His created
beings into everlasting torment? The insurrection trial was not held in secrecy
and God stood accused in front of the angels – holy and unholy. It was a
question that had to be addressed or the angels would forever doubt God’s
justice and attitude toward those that had rebelled.
Lucifer and his minions
would be confined to the earth and its skies while God set about proving the
sentence to the Lake of Fire was fair. The measured response from the Godhead
was designed to prove their righteousness and remove any doubt introduced by
Since Jesus is also
Creator, He was given the task of refurbishing the earth and making it ready for
the creation of the human race. Jesus was allotted six days for the
refurbishment and creation of Adam and Eve.
Jesus had six thousand years to accomplish this task since one day for God is
like a thousand years for mankind.
Adam and Eve were ushered
in to the beautiful Garden of Eden sometime on the sixth day, and since the next
day was a day of rest for the Lord, they enjoyed a beautiful life in paradise
for more than a thousand years.
Humanity was created for
one reason. Adam and Eve were going to prove God’s righteousness. They were
going to live in a perfect world with no evil for a time. Jesus wanted them to
fully understand what a great life He had provided for them, asking only for
their love and loyalty in return.
The entire garden was
theirs to explore and enjoy; however, Jesus specified there was one thing which
was off limits. In the middle of the garden was a special tree called the Tree
of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve were allowed to eat the fruit from
everything else except this one tree.
Adam and Eve abstained from
the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil for a thousand years during the day of
rest. They did not question why this particular tree existed and were obedient
to Jesus’ instructions. Satan and his minions were merely spectators during this
time, unable to participate and interact with humanity.
The conditions changed on
the eighth day when the prohibitions on Lucifer were removed. He immediately
seduced the serpent, convincing the snake to loan out his body, and targeted Eve
as the weakest link. He found her alone and Eve did not register surprise that
the serpent was talking to her, indicating the animals had the ability to speak
before the fall of man.
Eve was blissfully ignorant
about Lucifer, the angelic rebellion, and the subsequent war in the universe.
Lucifer used the serpent to tell Eve that God was withholding things from her
and that she could become divine if she ate from the forbidden fruit. Satan’s
words appealed to her intellect. While she had spent time in the presence of
Jesus, the Son of God had never personally instructed her about the forbidden
tree. Adam related to her what he had been told by Jesus.
Eve looked longingly at the
fruit and fell for the lie of becoming like God. She was doomed the moment her
teeth bit into the fruit. Adam came along afterwards and Lucifer watched
gleefully as she convinced him to join her rebellion. Adam and Eve represented
humanity and they had exercised their free will to reject Jesus.
Lucifer had made his point
after questioning God’s righteousness. The Godhead had no other choice than to
prove themselves, and to do that, they had to set him loose on the earth with
his minions. Adam was no longer king of the earth. The lordship transferred to
Satan as he became the prince of this world.
It is interesting to note
that when Jesus returns to earth as the King of kings and Lord of lords, He is
coming to confront the Antichrist and defeat his armed forces. Then Satan will
be bound for a thousand years (one day) and Jesus will once again refurbish the
earth and set up His glorious millennial kingdom. During this time, those who
survived the time of the Antichrist and refused the Mark of the Beast will
repopulate the earth. The population will be so vast at the end of the
millennium that people are described as the sand of the sea.
Since Lucifer has been
bound for a thousand years, the logical assumption is that all fallen angels and
demons have also been hindered from attacking people on the earth. None of the
people born during the millennium can be saved because there is no sin
temptation. They will have a fallen nature and need to be born again, but with
Jesus ruling the earth from Jerusalem, sin will be repressed. They have been
effectively living with a free will on the earth in which there is no
temptation. This is why Satan will be loosed from the bottomless pit. He will
provide a temptation in the form of a choice. Just like in the Garden of Eden,
the people of the millennium will have to declare their loyalty and choose whom
they want to serve.
The Bible says that the
majority of the people will choose Lucifer. Thus, when they are cast into the
Lake of Fire, they have chosen to sin and reject Jesus. This last act of Satan
on earth will forever prove God’s righteous. It is not God’s fault when created
beings choose to sin. They deserve to suffer the consequences of their
rebellion. They did not have to sin; they chose to embrace iniquity and reject
the love of God.
What happen to the
rebellious angels and humans? They cannot be allowed to float around in the
spirit world for eternity. They also cannot be killed since they were created to
live forever. Thus, they have to be confined to a place from which there is no
escape. At the same time, they must also make restitution for their grievous
sins over eternity.
Angels were created with a
free will. Lucifer exercised his free will and chose to sin.
He then convinced one third of the angels to join his rebellion.
God did not have a redemption plan for angels. They were doomed once they
exercised their free will and sinned.
There was a trial in which Lucifer and the fallen angels were sentenced to the
Lake of Fire.
Lucifer objected and the sentence was temporarily stayed so that God could prove
His righteousness.
Lucifer took advantage of this reprieve and insisted on the legal right to
challenge any action by God.
An example of this is found with Job.
God is omnipotent and there
was no way Lucifer could directly challenge God unless He were to limit Himself
in His dealing with Lucifer. This must have been discussed after the trial as
Lucifer recognized he could not compete with God. No angel has the necessary
power to strive against and overcome their Creator.
God resolved to limit
Himself in order to give Lucifer a fair chance at challenging people and winning
them over to his side. To redeem mankind, God limited Himself to only using
humans to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is why there is no event
recorded in the Bible of angels preaching. They show up with a message from the
Lord, but stop short of presenting the gospel message. Nevertheless, God
reserved the right to intervene if Lucifer broke the rules of engagement.
The holy angels that remain
cannot be tempted. They chose to stay with God and are now locked in so to
speak. They no longer have a free will and this is why they cannot sin. We can
see that this is true when examining the story of a Roman centurion named
Cornelius believed in the
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was a praying man who also gave money to
Jewish people in need. Although a contemporary of Jesus, he had never heard
about the Messiah. His prayers and actions were noticed in heaven and Jesus
decided that He wanted the man to be saved. An angel who was undoubtably
familiar with the gospel message was dispatched. The angel was immune to any
satanic temptation and manipulation, but was limited in what he could share with
Cornelius according to the rules of engagement. The angel instructed Cornelius
to send servants to an address in the city of Joppa and summon the apostle
Peter, who would subsequently tell Cornelius what he needed to know.
Unlike the angel, Peter
could be derailed by Satan and his minions and the apostle was unsure at first
what to think about the situation. God has not placed any limitations on the
Holy Spirit, who instructed Peter to confidently go with the men. Thus, Satan
could not lodge an objection to the chain of events not being fair. He had full
access to Peter but was rejected as the apostle obeyed the Holy Spirit and went
to share the good news of Jesus.
Lucifer knew there was no
redemption plan for angels and he came up with a plan to change that. If human
beings could be contaminated in some way that God would reject them, it would
open the door to redemption for him. The solution was to pollute the human race
and create a hybrid race that was angelic and human. This would effectively
force God to come up with a new plan that included angels and give Lucifer a
chance to avoid the Lake of Fire. Lucifer knew that there was a spiritual law
which restricted angels from intermingling with humanity, but being the father
of all lies, he went ahead with the plan.
The Bible records that this
took place sometime after Adam and Eve sinned. The details are scarce but we
know that once the fallen angels started their hybrid program, the human race
became exceedingly wicked and evil thoughts consumed them. At the same time, the
fallen angels shared technological information and trained the new offspring in
the art of making metal weapons and making genetic changes to animals and
vegetation so that the whole earth became corrupted. As a result, God decided to
kill every living thing on the surface of the earth with exception of Noah, his
wife, three sons, and their wives. These eight people had no corruption in their
blood and they were to repopulate the earth again after the worldwide flood
killed every living thing.
This was actually the second such worldwide flood. The first one took place
after Lucifer had been defeated in the space war.
The narrative at the
beginning of the Bible is incomplete. Jesus wanted Adam and Eve to know about
the refurbishing of the earth and used the term “replenish” to describe the work
He had done, but the Son of God did not want them to know anything about
Lucifer, the prior kingdom on earth, his rebellion, the space war, or the
sentencing to the Lake of Fire. Nor did Jesus want Adam and Eve to know that
Lucifer appealed his sentence and subsequent accusation of God being
unrighteous. The first humans knew they were specifically created to prove God’s
righteousness. When the serpent showed up at the garden, Eve was not aware that
she was speaking with Lucifer. She just thought that she was talking to a
friendly snake.
Enoch was not born until
around 600 years after Eve’s encounter with Lucifer in the Garden of Eden. Just
like the apostle John was taken to heaven to be given a revelation, Enoch was
taken to heaven on several occasions and given information about the fallen
angels, who they were, and how they operated. This was not known by mankind
until it was revealed to Enoch. Before his translation, Enoch was commissioned
to record everything he had learned from God and preserve it for future
generations. It was Noah that brought the writings of Enoch into the ark and
this is how his amazing account survived the flood. The Genesis account up to
the flood was never merged with Enoch’s account and this is still true today.
Nevertheless, snippets of Enoch’s writings have been inserted into the Old and
New Testaments.
The full story of the
creation of the universe, angels, and the redemption plan for the human race was
not completely revealed until the Book of Revelation came into existence. The
grand plan of the Godhead for the creation of the universe was never understood
by mankind until the twentieth century. The complete dissolvement of the
universe, a new universe, the Great White Throne Judgment, and the second return
of Jesus is still not understood by many Christians. It is clear that God has
purposely closed the minds of His people for a full understanding of His purpose
until the end of times as spoken to Daniel by an angel some 2,600 years ago.
The great mystery of the entire creation is that God is triune, and when He
stood accused by Lucifer, He created the human race, which He knew would fall
into sin. When God the Father sent God the Son to be incarnated and live a
sinless life, take the sin of humanity upon Himself, and then be judged by the
Father and pay for the sins of mankind, that is the greatest mystery in
This truth was not known until after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is in the first book of
Enoch that we are given more details about fallen angels procreating with human
While Enoch’s writings are not officially included in the Bible and considered
canon, his testimony was good enough that Jesus, Peter, and Jude quoted his
writings in the New Testament.Here is what the Bible says about
“By faith Enoch was
translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had
translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he
pleased God.” (Hebrews 11:5)
According to Enoch, Lucifer
selected two hundred fallen angels to pollute the human race. Their headquarters
was on Mount Hermon, located in modern day Syria.
During Noah’s flood, the two hundred fallen angels were captured, chained and
cast into a prison place called Tartarus. While both hell and Tartarus are
located under the surface of the earth, this is a different prison designed
especially for fallen angels.
Using the genealogy found
in Genesis chapter five, Noah’s flood took place some 1,670 years after Adam and
Eve sinned.
Lucifer and his fallen
angels do not dwell on the surface of the earth, but have built habitations high
in the atmosphere. This is why Lucifer is referred to as the “prince of the
power of the air” by the apostle Paul.
The earth and its
atmosphere are a giant prison run by God’s holy angels. Lucifer, the fallen
angels and the evil spirits are confined to the earth, where the battle to prove
God’s righteousness is fought on a daily basis. They are prohibited from leaving
the earth.
Many years ago, I had a
vision from the Lord. I was awakened in the middle of the night and taken to a
huge cube hovering over the city of Sacramento. I realized that the cube was a
city that had been suspended in the air. I was taken to different levels and
shown offices and beings working in them. There were elevators between the
different floors and the cube was solid as I walked around inside. I sensed
strong evil in the cube and I was relieved when I was returned to my bed. What I
had saw was very real; it was not a dream and I planned to write down all the
details when I got up in the morning. That was a mistake because I could not
remember all the details later on. The specifics of who I met and what I was
told was gone from my memory.
Sometime later the Holy
Spirit pointed out to me, that the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven to the
new earth is a cube measuring 1,377 miles in height, width, and depth. To put
that into perspective, it is about the same distance from the California coast
to the eastern portion of Colorado. The understanding I was given was that this
is normal for angelic cities on the different planets in the universe and this
is how Satan and the fallen angels live now. That is why he is called the prince
of the power of the air.
Evil spirits, also known as
devils or demons, dwell on the surface of the earth. They are Lucifer’s foot
soldiers, attacking humans and using their bodies to further the kingdom of
It took Noah a hundred
years to complete the construction of the ark during which he also preached
repentance and salvation to the people around him. Noah’s family of eight knew a
lot about God, possessing the written account of the creation and the books of
Enoch. They knew the difference between God and Lucifer, the holy and unholy
angels, and about demons.
After the flood, Noah’s
three sons began to procreate and there was rapid growth. Noah was 600 years old
when he entered the ark and he lived another 350 years after the flood. We can
see the population explosion from reading the genealogy of Noah’s sons.
Despite the traumatic
global flood and drifting on waters for some two months, Noah’s family did not
seem that impressed to teach their offspring about God. Noah went from being a
fiery preacher and a man that found grace from God to growing a vineyard and
getting drunk.
Logic would dictate that
Lucifer was responsible for inspiring Noah to build a vineyard and gradually
making him dependent upon alcohol. Noah preached about God, repentance and the
coming judgment for 100 years but did not get a single convert outside his
family. It is possible that he became discouraged and lost all interest in
teaching his offspring about God. None of his sons set up an educational system
and it did not take long until the third and fourth generation was ignorant
about the flood catastrophe and God. Clearly there was a remnant – not named in
the Bible – that kept the written accounts of the creation and life before the
flood, including the books of Enoch.
There is no doubt that
Lucifer discussed a need with the leadership of fallen angels to create a
religious department where they could create different religions that would be
taught to the humans by demons. It is estimated there are some 4,200 different
religions being practiced by people around the world today.
The war that raged across
the universe after Lucifer’s rebellion was not a single battle. It would have
been a protracted conflict requiring strategy. Undoubtedly, they had a war
department and it would be naive to think that one does not exist on earth to
govern the human wars. Demons possessed people and taught them how to fight. It
is in the book of Daniel that we are given insight that over each nation is a
“prince” (archon in Greek) that is the ruler over the people in nation.
I am sure that evil spirits
worked day and night on Noah and his family to make sure that they did not set
up an educational system that would teach the new generations about God. Once
they began to move away from where Noah lived, they were empty vessels for the
demons to influence about false religions and making idols from stone and wood.
The tenth chapter of Genesis shows the degeneration of mankind and the rise of
Nimrod to become king through violence.
During my 56 years as a
disciple of Jesus, my skill level in understanding the Bible has grown over
time. In my early years I treated the Bible like a puzzle. I looked at different
books, chapters and verses, but it was not until some 20 years ago that I
changed my perspective of the Bible. I began to ask the following questions:
Were there different stages of the creation?
How could a rebellion and a universal war
break out if the creation was initially good?
What are the dynamics between God and Satan?
Why did God create the Lake of Fire?
Why did God create mankind?
Why did God put the Tree of Knowledge of Good
and Evil in the Garden of Eden and instruct Adam not to eat from it?
With the knowledge that a
day with the Lord is the equivalent to a thousand years for mankind, a
completely new concept came forth. If the refurbishment of the earth and the
creation of vegetation, birds, fishes and man took six days (6,000 years), why
did God rest on the seventh day? Do you also realize that Adam and Eve lived in
the Garden of Eden during this time before Lucifer showed up to tempt them? Once
I understood this concept, I began to examine the Book of Revelation where it
states that there will be a millennial reign with Christ on the earth in the end
times and the Devil will tempt the people born during this period.
Then it dawned upon me that
it was a time period of seven days before Lucifer tempted Adam and Eve. It is
now six days later from that time – day thirteen if you will – and when you
factor in the millennial reign of Christ in the future (one day) with Lucifer
showing up at the end, is it possible that God set aside fourteen days to prove
His righteousness? It certainly is a plausible theory. Time will tell if it is
I was born and educated
before the age of computers. Once the computer age started after 1955, the
technology on earth leaped ahead. The Holy Spirit pointed out to me that the
technology we have on earth is a crude replica of the things that that exist in
the spirit world where heaven exists.
When you examine the
different passages in the Bible it tells us that Jesus came down to Mount Sinai
in some kind of craft.
The prophet Elijah was removed by some kind of flying craft that Elisha
described as a “chariot of fire.”
The prophet Ezekiel described a craft with wheels that featured a portable
throne where Jesus sat.
My understanding is that angels travel in space and some travel outside the
universe to visit the city of God in heaven.
With this knowledge, I
would like to examine the Tower of Babel. Most people have probably never given
much thought to the language that God created for Adam and Eve to speak. That
did not change after the flood. Thus, Noah and his descendants spoke the same
language as Adam. It must have grieved the Godhead when they saw the backsliding
of Noah and his family and how Lucifer’s religious department was able to create
one religion after the other, convincing people to worship lifeless idols of
wood, stone, gold and silver. The worship of these images was predicated upon
There is no doubt in my
mind that Lucifer used demons to entice people to build a tower in the city of
Babel. We know from the book of Revelation that Satan will establish a one world
government with a despot that he will control. Lucifer must have thought this
was the perfect time to implement his plan since there was a common language
that everyone spoke, and with the tower in Babel, this would be the city from
which he would rule the world.
The Godhead realized that
unless the project was halted, the human race would be unmanageable under the
control of Satan and their plan for the Messiah would be in jeopardy. Holy
angels were dispatched and the masses were divided into groups. Each group was
assigned a certain language that was supernaturally uploaded to their soul
This is similar to updating the firmware of a router, camera or cell phone.
Once the project was finished, angels ferried the different language groups in
their craft and scattered them all over the earth.
There was no migration; it was a planned distribution according to the will of
the Godhead. Since I take the Bible literally, I reject the theory of evolution
and its belief that people migrated to different places of the earth. The
scattering of humanity was a well-organized event carried out by holy angels.
Lucifer and the fallen
angels realized that they had been defeated again. But the war was far from over
and their next step was to possess mankind with demons and mold them into
hardcore pagan worshipers. The generation removed from Babel had full knowledge
of what transpired when the holy angels transported them via spacecraft. It is
astounding that within three generations the knowledge was lost and replaced
with various religions which required blood sacrifices to the demon gods.
The demons made them
fanatical to kill those who refused to worship their particular god. Lucifer was
not satisfied with animal sacrifices; he wanted human sacrifices and many of the
different religions put men, women and children on the altars. The age of
paganism has never ended.
Some 1,900 years after
Noah’s flood the Godhead realized that no human had the power to break loose
from the worship of demon gods. Another intervention was needed since almost all
people were pagan worshipers. The Godhead had no choice but to call a pagan to
repent and worship the real God.
The Godhead selected a
Chaldean in the city of Ur named Terah. He was not only a pagan, but he also
manufactured pagan statuettes and sold them to the public. Terah was from the
bloodline of Shem.
My personal belief is that
God had called Terah since he decided to leave the city of Ur (located in
southern Iraq) and travel to the land of Canaan; however, for some reason, he
stopped at the city of Haran.
The Godhead did not force Terah out of Haran, but the calling passed to his son,
Abram, who was pagan like this father. Jesus was given the task of speaking to
Abram and converting him to belief in the real God.
The war between God and Lucifer entered a new phase as it became Jesus versus
the false deities.
Abraham had a manager in
the Son of God but he also had an adversary in Satan. The trial of Lucifer and
his objection to the Lake of Fire gave him the right to tempt each person that
God selects. This is clearly spelled out in the book of Job. There is a
courthouse somewhere in the universe, more than likely the same courthouse where
Lucifer was tried and sentenced. This is where he goes to receive permission to
strike people who are working for Jesus.
Job was a threat to
Lucifer. He loved the Godhead and refused to worship idols. He was a preacher of
righteousness, and as such, he would lead other people out of idolatry and turn
to the living God. Lucifer used a legal trick to get permission to strike Job.
He told Jesus that Job only served God because he had been blessed by the Son of
God. Lucifer was confident that Job would curse God if his blessings were
removed. Jesus was legally bound to allow Lucifer to prove his point. When the
first attack on Job did not work, Lucifer returned to the courthouse and
demanded a second attempt. This time it would be with Job’s body.
However, Job did not break and Lucifer activated three of Job’s friends that
subsequently accused Job of pride and sin. These “friends” repeatedly accused
Job, trying to break him into confessing that he had been attacked because of
sin. Eventually, Lucifer was removed from the situation. Jesus restored Job’s
health and gave him a double blessing. The Son of God rebuked Job’s three
friends for their lies and instructed them to humble themselves and have Job
pray for them.
There was no logical reason
to make Abraham and Sarah wait 25 years for Isaac to be born. So why did they
have to wait so long for God’s promise to be fulfilled? Lucifer demanded the
right to tempt Abraham and try to destroy him. Jesus was obligated to let
Abraham and Sarah travel around the land of Canaan until he was 100 years old
and she was 90.
Lucifer tried to have
Abraham killed with a famine in the land of Canaan. They sought refuge in Egypt
and Sarah’s beauty caused her to be brought to Pharaoh’s palace with obvious
sexual intentions. Jesus intervened and forced Pharaoh to return Sarah to
Abraham and send them out of Egypt.
Lucifer then began working
on Sarah, using her advanced age to attack her mind with thoughts that she would
never conceive. Just like Eve, she bit into the lie and told Abraham to
impregnate her slave girl, Hagar, and in this way, fulfil the promise of a
child. Ishmael was born as a result. This desperate plan conceived in the flesh
would go on to backfire greatly, causing heartache for them and succeeding
generations. In the meantime, Lucifer had not counted on the forgiveness that
Jesus bestowed upon Abraham and Sarah and in due time she conceived and gave
birth to Isaac.
Abraham also struggled with
lying. It came naturally to him and the Bible records how his mouth often got
him into trouble. Prior to Isaac’s birth, Abraham visited the city of Gerar and
lied to its king. It was necessary for Jesus to intervene in order to save Sarah
from being violated by King Abimelech.
Lucifer was not done with
Abraham. He wanted to discredit the man and destroy his name and reputation.
Sarah died at the age of 127. Abraham’s libido was still strong and he married a
woman named Keturah with whom he had six sons. He also had children from a
number of concubines. He was quite the busy man in the 38 years after Sarah’s
death. Sadly, before he died at the age of 175, he drove Keturah, her children,
along with the concubines and their children eastward out of the land of Canaan.
Jewish history claims that
Keturah, the concubines and all their children ended up in what is today India.
The legend states that the children of Abraham became the founders of the Brahma
caste in India.
The reason that I have
detailed the life of Abraham is to show that the man selected by the Godhead to
be the founder of the bloodline of Jesus was compromised by Lucifer. Yet, the
Son of God did not abandon him. It was Abraham’s faith in God that saved him.
That certainly didn’t make him the poster boy of righteousness.
There are no perfect people on earth. Everyone is a sinner who has fallen short
of God’s standard. Not a single person in the past was perfect. No such person
exists today.
Despite the onslaught of Lucifer and his minions, it is only the redemption plan
of Jesus that makes it possible for the Godhead to use sinful men.
In order to understand the
battle for humanity, it is important to grasp that the Godhead operated
exclusively with Abraham and his descendants. The only exceptions were Job and
the wise men from Chaldea that arrived two years after the incarnation of Jesus.
It was not until the Son of God came to earth as the Redeemer that all nations
were able to embrace this redemption and be saved. For some 2,000 years the
knowledge of God was limited to the people that followed after the Creator.
There was a remnant such as Job and those that adhered to the star gospel, but
the majority of the earth’s population embraced idolatry and they and their
descendants were abandoned by the Godhead and they went to hell when they died.
God communicated through prophets from the twelve tribes of Jacob who resided in
the Middle East. No prophets were sent elsewhere and this is evident in the
civilizations that sprang up on other continents.
Time is not of essence in
the spirit world since no one ages. The time from Abraham until the incarnation
of Jesus was around two thousand years or two days in the spirit world. For the
offspring of Abraham, it was a brutal period with heavy losses. I would estimate
that only a small percentage of the people of Israel were saved during this time
period. The rest embraced idolatry and died in their sins.
The Holy Spirit did not
dwell in the Old Testament believers, which made them weaker to resist the
Devil. They could be anointed like Samson, but since the Holy Spirit was not
dwelling in them as with New Testament believers, it was more difficult to
oppose and withstand spiritual evil.
People living during the
Old Testament period were limited in knowledge. Abraham only had access to what
was written in the book of Genesis up to his time and the books of Enoch. God
imparted more knowledge with each succeeding generation and the Israelites
experienced a huge leap forward when Moses received the Torah or Pentateuch.
Intercessory prayer was unknown to the masses. They simply cried out to God for
help. Jesus had to repeatedly intervene with holy angels to stop Lucifer from
totally destroying the offspring of Abraham.
The same demons that
influenced Abraham to lie transferred to Isaac at his father’s death. He lied
when asked if Rebecca was his wife, repeating his father’s invention that she
was his sister.
God blessed Isaac with
wealth and an abundance of herds of cattle and sheep but he did not rule his
family well. Isaac favored Esau while Rebecca favored Jacob. The Bible does not
record that Isaac was a man of prayer. He did nothing to further the work of God
in his lifetime. Isaac achieved nothing and was merely a “caretaker” of the
Jacob certainly lived up to
his name which means “swindler” or “supplanter.” He was a liar just like his
father and grandfather. He was filled with his selfish desires and in this state
he certainly had no intention of working for God. He met his match after
cheating Esau out of his birthright and being exiled. Uncle Laban was a pagan
worshiper and a shrewd liar. Jacob fell in love with Laban’s daughter, Rachel,
but during the wedding festivity, Laban cunningly sent in her veiled older
sister and Jacob discovered the swap too late after the marriage was
Jesus clearly stated that
marriage was to be between a man and a woman.
Polygamy was another way for Lucifer to pollute the human race because men are
allured by the idea of more than one wife. Jacob took Rachel as a second wife
and then Lucifer added two slave women from Rachel and Leah.
Laban owned house gods to
whom he prayed. All his children, including Rachel and Leah, worshiped these
pagan demon statues.
This is not the background of a godly family, but one of a polygamous, demon
infested household that God would choose to use to produce the twelve tribes of
Jacob would go on to have
several encounters with Jesus. The first encounter was in a dream and he was
given the same promise that had been committed to his father and grandfather.
The pledge Jacob made when he woke up was not very spiritual when he promised to
stay faithful to the God of his fathers, but only if God took care of him and
met his needs.
Jacob did not pursue God;
rather, it was Jesus that continually pursued Jacob. On his return to Canaan,
the Son of God wrestled with Jacob one night. Jacob asked for a blessing, but
never fully committed himself to serving the God of his fathers.
Later, Jesus called Jacob
to Bethel. Confronted with the holiness of God, Jacob ordered his family and
slaves to get rid of all idols and travel with him to Bethel to worship.
Curiously, Jacob did not destroy the different pagan statues, but hid them in
the ground.
Jacob never had a good
understanding about God and what had happened in the past. He was not a praying
man and was only concerned about riches. As a result, ten of his sons turned out
to be scoundrels. They refused to tolerate the God-given dreams of their younger
brother, Joseph, and sold him to slave traders bound for Egypt.
Lucifer and his band of
fallen angels and demons had polluted Jacob’ family to the point that no one was
seeking God, showing any interest in the Scriptures, or trying to help people to
get out of idolatry. It was Jesus who repeatedly contacted Jacob and pulled him
along. Satan must have thought there was no way God could use this dysfunctional
family to be part of the bloodline of the Messiah. But God had a plan. Never
mind that it didn’t make sense, His resolve to see it through would persistently
confound Lucifer in his attempt to obstruct the Godhead.
Joseph would become a shining light from this cesspool.
Only a few men had
understood the battle in the spirit world up to this point in history. Enoch
left behind written accounts of what he saw when he was taken to heaven.
Noah became the first evangelist to preach repentance. Even though it never
rained, he believed God’s warning and built an ark while simultaneously crying
out for people to seek the Lord. Unfortunately, the only converts were his
immediate family.
Joseph was the first child
that Rachel had with Jacob.
As such, he was dressed in special clothing that set him apart from his siblings
and they hated him for it.
In reading the Bible, it is possible to see that Joseph was selected by the
Godhead to be the leader of his family. The sons of Jacob would become the
foundation for the future nation of Israel. While his brothers were trained in
agriculture, Jacob made Joseph his personal inspector of the family business.
Two dreams from the Godhead shaped Joseph as a 17-year-old boy and these would
sustain him when he was sold as a slave in Egypt.
The Bible does not tell us
what kind of education Joseph received, but it is obvious that when he was a
slave and ran the household of Potiphar, he was able to read and write and do
arithmetic. This prepared him for his next assignment of running the main prison
in Egypt.
Jesus elevated him to become the prime minister of Egypt after thirteen years as
a slave.
Lucifer and his minions
could see there was an anointing upon Joseph as a child. Demons were instructed
to possess his half-brothers and make them hate him to the point that they were
ready to kill him. It was the Holy Spirit that moved upon Judah to spare him and
sell him into slavery instead. Holy angels guided a caravan of merchants to come
by at the right moment and buy Joseph. Once they had taken him to Egypt, angels
moved upon a high-ranking Egyptian army officer to purchase Joseph from the
slave market.
Lucifer and the fallen
angels did not like what they were seeing. They had witnessed holy angels
working things out to bring Joseph to Egypt. Since Lucifer and his minions
cannot see into the future, and while they did not know the Godhead’s intention,
they knew there was a divine plan being played out. Demons were dispatched to
Potiphar’s house to entice his wife to start lusting after Joseph. They figured
that once Potiphar discovered his wife’s infidelity, he would kill Joseph and
the Godhead’s plan would be obstructed. The Holy Spirit moved upon Potiphar to
put Joseph in prison and Lucifer and his minions were held back by God’s angels.
The Godhead intervened
again years later with troubling dreams given to Pharaoh that could not be
interpreted in the normal manner by the Egyptians. Pharaoh was informed about a
prisoner’s uncanny ability to interpret dreams. The Holy Spirit gave Joseph the
interpretation and Pharaoh was very impressed to the point that Joseph was
elevated to prime minister. The Godhead then ordered holy angels to set up seven
years of bountiful harvest which were to be followed by a seven-year famine.
The famine had two purposes for the Godhead. To validate that Pharaoh had made
the right decision by putting Joseph in charge and forcing the family of Jacob
to come to Egypt where they could be kept safely for the next 430 years to grow
in number and become a nation. Joseph would later tell his brothers that God had
sent him to Egypt and they were all pawns in the hands of God.
There are no derogatory
remarks about Joseph in the Bible. He was obviously not sin free, but he was
faithful and carried out what God wanted him to do. He was not resentful toward
his brothers, choosing to forgive and love them despite their cruelty toward
him. But the most important takeaway is that the entire operation was done
supernaturally by Jesus, holy angels, and the Holy Spirit because there were no
human intercessors available. Lucifer’s only chance was to try and deceive
Joseph into disobedience and that utterly failed despite his best attempts.
The Bible is totally silent
on the 430 years that the twelve tribes spent in Egypt. By the time Moses was
born, the family had grown to a nation with 600,000 men, a lot more if you
factor in the women and the children.
The Israelites were greatly favored at the time of Joseph but 430 years later
the pharaoh had enslaved them. The Hebrews went from landholders to slaves and
life was no longer good in Egypt.
The suffering of the Israelites motivated them to cry out to the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob and this invitation was what the Godhead had been waiting for to
intervene. The plan was not to give the Hebrews respite from the oppression of
the Egyptians, but to relocate them to the land of Canaan and that necessitated
a leader.
The Hebrews did not have an
educational system, so the Godhead decided before the foundation of the world
that their deliverer would be educated as a prince of the Egyptian court. He
would learn reading and writing, mathematics, history, how to rule a nation and
how to conduct warfare. When Moses was born to a family from the tribe of Levi,
angels ensured he was not killed and was eventually adopted by the king’s
daughter and taken to the palace.
Lucifer had witnessed what
had taken place centuries earlier with Joseph. While he didn’t know the plan, he
knew the Godhead was at work. As such, he personally arrived to lead the attack
on Moses. He had been told that Moses – now a 40-year adult – was well educated
and the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He was slated to become the next king
when his step-grandfather died.
Lucifer must have whipped
his minions into a frenzy and told them that they needed to create a situation
that would remove Moses from the line of succession. A plan was hatched to
entice Moses to travel north and visit Goshen to see how the Hebrews fared. Then
he would see an Egyptian guard in the process of killing a Hebrew. Predictably,
Moses was furious and his emotions got the better of him so that he accidentally
killed the taskmaster. After it was over, Moses looked around and no one had
seemingly seen what occurred, so he buried the Egyptian.
The next day demons worked
on two Hebrew slaves to fight one another. Moses intervened and was insolently
told to back off. The men rudely asked what gave a prince of Egypt the right to
judge them? Did he intend to kill them just like the taskmaster? Demons of fear
attacked Moses and he fled to the desert. Lucifer congratulated the demons on a
job well done for outmaneuvering the Godhead.
The Godhead already knew
the chain of events from the foundation of the world because they possess the
ability to do a virtual time run of the entire creation. This is necessary
because humanity has been endowed with a free will, and while the Godhead can’t
predict our choices, they can see what will happen by “fast forwarding” through
our linear timeline. This is why they had already prepared a priest of Midian
named Reuel – or Jethro as he was also known – to play host to Moses. Reuel was
a shepherd and he offered Moses a job and provided Zipporah to be his wife.
Moses was a refugee with no place to go and the situation was favorable. He took
the job and married the woman with no clue that the Godhead had selected him to
be the future deliverer of the Hebrews in Egypt.
To make sure that Lucifer
would not pursue Moses, Jesus assigned a powerful detachment of holy angels to
guard Moses. He had been a prince of Egypt for forty years (one hour), the next
phase as a shepherd would also be forty years (one hour). Moses left Egypt as a
crown prince and military officer and now he was to be humbled for the future
service in the Kingdom of God.
Given the history of what
had transpired, Lucifer instructed his minions to keep an eye on Moses since
Godhead had a weird knack for snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. More or
less, Lucifer would not rest until Moses died of old age. Four decades later
Lucifer was greeted with the news that Jesus had just flown from heaven and met
Moses in the desert. The messenger told him that the Son of God was
commissioning Moses to return to Egypt and free the Hebrews.
Lucifer immediately
dispatched powerful demons to intimidate Moses and convince him that he was not
the right man for the job. Their attack was so swift and severe that they
persuaded Moses to believe that the Hebrews would not accept the fact that he
had met Jesus; furthermore, he was not a good speaker. The swift thought attacks
on his mind led Moses to believe that he couldn’t do the job. Holy angels drove
off the demons and Jesus broke the trance when He angrily rebuked His chosen
deliverer. Moses needed to make a choice. Should he give in to fear and unbelief
or answer the call and obey God?
By now Lucifer realized
that a major undertaking of God was in the works and he set up temporary
headquarters over Egypt and brought in a sizeable amount of fallen angels and
millions of demons. Lucifer asked his government council who they had in Egypt
that could be used to block Moses. He was told that there were two Luciferian
priests named Jannes and Jambres who were possessed by powerful demons. These
Egyptian men could be used to offset anything that Moses did. The struggle in
the spirit world was about to play out in the physical realm.
This spiritual battle was
covered by what I’m going to call the Universe Television Network (UTN) and
broadcast live to every holy angel civilization in the universe as the Godhead
continues to prove their righteousness.
When it came to delivering
the Hebrews from Egypt, the Godhead could have used the same tactic as when they
scattered the people from Babel and flew them all over the earth. It would have
been an easy operation to have holy angels transport the Hebrews to the land of
Canaan. But since the Godhead had limited itself after the trial of Lucifer,
they had to use human beings in any operation. This would give Lucifer a chance
to seduce or derail the humans working with holy angels.
The first round did not go
well for Moses and Aaron. They went to the palace and asked to speak with
Pharaoh. They demanded that he let the Hebrew slaves go to worship the Lord in
the wilderness. Lucifer watched as his demons spoke through Pharaoh, denying any
existence of this Hebrew God and he certainly was not about to let them go.
Moses and Aaron left dejected. Afterwards, Lucifer instructed the demons to move
upon Pharaoh to make fresh hell for the Hebrews. They were to continue making
bricks, but now they had to get the straw themselves while still maintaining the
same level of production. The first round was a win for Pharaoh.
The Hebrew elders went to
Pharaoh to complain about the new punitive program and were harshly told to shut
up, leave and go back to work! They met Moses and Aaron on their way from the
palace and told the two men that they had made matters worse. They wanted Moses
and Aaron to stop before it became even worse. Lucifer was ecstatic! Whatever
Jesus was trying to accomplish had been seemingly obstructed.
The next round took place
in the palace when Aaron cast down his rod in front of Pharaoh and it became a
serpent. Pharaoh was not impressed and he called upon his own sorcerers to do
the same. Jannes and Jambres arrived with a group of magicians and the demons
used supernatural power to also turn their staffs into serpents. Holy angels
were present and they caused Aaron’s rod/snake to devour the snakes of the
magicians. Jesus hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he refused to let the Hebrews go.
The second round ended in a draw.
Aaron next stretched out
his rod and the waters of the Nile turned to blood. Jannes and Jambres were able
to match the supernatural event and Pharaoh’s heart hardened again and the third
round ended in another draw.
Aaron stretched out his rod
over the streams, rivers, and ponds in Egypt and supernaturally millions of
frogs came forth. Jannes and Jambres were once again able to match this
supernatural event and the fourth round ended in a draw.
If Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh,
Jannes and Jambres could have seen into the spirit world, they would have
witnessed holy angels go into action every time Aaron raised his rod. Fallen
angels used their supernatural power to duplicate what the holy angels had done.
Demons numerous like flies trying to attack Moses and Aaron. Other demons
ministering to Pharaoh and his staff, urging them not to yield. The Holy Spirit
was simultaneously hardening Pharaoh’s heart not to give in to the demands of
Moses. Since there were no intercessors among the Hebrews, Jesus directed the
entire operation, while Lucifer rallied his forces.
When round five was about
to start, Jesus ordered holy angels to incapacitate Lucifer’s fallen angels in
and around Egypt. Jesus had given Lucifer every opportunity to derail the
project, now he was to be removed as Jesus was ready to crush Pharaoh and
devastate Egypt agriculturally. Moses and Aaron needed to be involved to fulfil
the rules of engagement. Lucifer still could target the two men and try to make
them lose confidence in Jesus. It was the job of the Holy Spirit to strengthen
Moses and Aaron.
For the fifth round, holy
angels created lice that covered animals and humans alike. This time Jannes and
Jambres could not match this power and they confessed God was involved and it
was a victory for the Godhead.
The sixth round saw holy
angels create billions of flies that swarmed all of Egypt except in Goshen where
the Hebrews lived. This was a second victory for the Godhead.
The seventh round targeted
all the cattle in Egypt with an exception being made for the cattle belonging to
the Hebrews in Goshen. This was the third consecutive victory for the Godhead.
The eighth round saw holy
angels crushingly strike every Egyptian man, woman, and beast with painful boils
and inflammation. The difference between the Hebrews and the Egyptians continued
as the Israelites were not affected at all by this plague and it was a fourth
victory for the Godhead.
Round nine was holy angels
using hail and fire to destroy what remained of the Egyptian livestock and
target their crops as well. Goshen was again exempted and this marked the fifth
unobstructed victory for the Godhead.
For round ten the holy
angels produced locusts that swarmed over Egypt to eat the surviving remnant of
plant matter that had survived the hail and fire, going so far as to eat the
leaves from the trees. Goshen and its Hebrew inhabitants were once again
exempted. This was the sixth victory for the Godhead.
For the eleventh round,
holy angels blocked the sun’s light for three days so that Egypt was in darkness
for 96 consecutive hours. But once again the land of Goshen was spared. This was
a seventh straight victory for the Godhead.
The final plague would be
so severe that it would literally break Pharaoh’s willpower. It involved the
killing of every first-born child and the first born of livestock. Jesus told
Moses the Hebrews would not get automatic protection this time. They would have
to kill an unblemished lamb and use its blood to paint the doorframes of their
homes. Then they were to roast the lamb and eat it. When the angel of death
passed over Egypt at midnight, it would kill the first-born child and animal of
every unmarked house. This devastating angel strike saw Pharaoh presumably lose
a son and it broke him emotionally to the point that he ordered Moses to hastily
lead his people out of Egypt.
If Moses would have tried
to figure out how to get more than three million people out of Egypt, plus
livestock and other supplies, it would have been a logistical nightmare. If
people walked fifteen abreast, they would make a line of thirty-eight miles.
With livestock and supply wagons, the entire line would have been some forty
miles long.
Jesus told Moses that on
the tenth day the people were to secure a one-year-old male lamb without blemish
and slaughter it on the fourteenth day of the month, using its blood to paint
the doorposts of their houses. That evening they were to eat of the lamb fully
dressed. That timeline gave the Hebrews four days to pack up and be ready to
walk out of Egypt.
On top of that, the killing of the first-born took place at midnight, which
means that Pharaoh ordered them out while it was still dark.
Goshen is around 900 square
miles. The distance from the north end to the south was less than 40 miles. My
understanding is that Jesus cleared the air of fallen angels over Goshen and
subdued every demon on the ground. Holy angels stood by, and the moment Pharaoh
issued the decree for the Hebrews to leave, angels helped them to leave in an
orderly fashion, beginning with the farms closest to the border of Egypt, and
then merging them into a column that moved toward the border.
The average walking speed
of a person is 2.5 to 4 miles per hour. I believe that Jesus led them in a
south-easterly direction that put them into the Sinai Peninsula to quickly get
them out of Egypt. He then led them south on the east side of the Red Sea
passing Succoth, continuing to the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula and then
turning north, passing Migdol and then to Pihahiroth, where they were to camp.
The Bible clearly states
that Jesus led them through the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea, but the
text does not explicitly state that they stopped in front of the “Red Sea,” it
just states “the sea.” The area today is known as the straits of Tiran, a series
of narrow sea passages between the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas which connect
the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea. Thus, the crossing took place somewhere
through the Gulf of Aqaba and God brought the Hebrews into what is today Saudi
The Godhead wanted to get
rid of Pharaoh and Jesus purposely led the Hebrews to the sea that separated the
Sinai Peninsula from Saudi Arabia. Moses had not been told by Jesus where he was
leading them; he was only told to get them out of Egypt. The entire project was
done supernaturally and there was an intense battle in the spirit world as
Lucifer resisted the project from its inception. It is noteworthy to point out
that the Bible does not declare if there were any human intercessors, so we can
conclude it was a project that was ramrodded through by the Godhead.
There was a supernatural
light in the night sky on the first night when the Hebrews departed from Egypt
called a “pillar of fire.” During the day it became a “pillar of cloud.” The
night light was so bright that it brightened the way for the caravan of Hebrews.
Lucifer and his war staff
of fallen angels had not been able to derail Moses and Aaron. Their demon army
successfully convinced many of the Hebrews not to leave Egypt, but the Holy
Spirit had squashed this rebellion.
When Lucifer saw that the
Hebrews had been led to the tip of the Sinai Peninsula in the wilderness area,
he felt this was another opportunity to derail the project. With Pharaoh and his
army of 600 chariots, there would be a slaughter of the Hebrews, and the
survivors would be taken back as slaves to Egypt. But Jesus ordered the pillar
of cloud moved to create a buffer zone that the Egyptian army could not
penetrate. The angel in charge of the cloud made it black on the side of the
Egyptians and light on the Hebrew side.
Jesus ordered additional
holy angels to clear the skies of Lucifer and his fallen angels. Other angels
paralyzed the demons in the crossing area on both sides of the sea. Special
combat engineer angels arrived with their equipment, and the moment Jesus told
Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea, they started a strong east wind that
blew all night. Moses and the people could not see that the angels created two
parallel forcefield walls that created a corridor through the sea. The water in
the corridor was pumped out and other angels used huge drying machines to ensure
that the sea bottom was sufficiently dry and hard enough for the Hebrews to walk
By daybreak the corridor
through the sea was ready and Jesus told Moses to have the people walk through
the corridor. Even Moses must have been in awe to walk between vertical walls of
water. Jesus gave the order when the last row of Hebrews was halfway across for
the angel to remove the pillar of cloud and allow the Egyptians to see the
escaping Hebrews. Pharaoh immediately ordered his chariots to move forward into
the corridor. The Gulf of Aqaba reaches depths of 6,000 feet, so it is not
impossible to imagine walls of water that stood hundreds of feet tall. Once
Pharaoh and his army entered the corridor and reached the kill zone, Jesus
ordered angels to start removing wheels from the chariots. Pharaoh realized that
the God of the Hebrews was fighting his army and there was nothing he could
except retreat. It was too late! The last Hebrew reached the far shore and Moses
was ordered to stretch out his hand over the sea. This was the signal an angel
was waiting for and he immediately turned off the forcefields and water with
enormous power filled the corridor. Pharaoh and his soldiers did not have a
chance and quickly drowned.
This amazing miracle caused
the Hebrews to fear God and believe that He was real, but fact of the matter is
that miracles don’t produce faith. The adults (20 years and up) who crossed the
sea ended up dying in the wilderness because of their unbelief. Just two men
from the older generation – Joshua and Caleb – were allowed to enter the
Promised Land.
This was an engineering
feat that mankind was incapable of carrying out at that time and not even today.
The exodus was carried out with technology that only exists in the spirit world.
Most people don’t realize that angels are real and they live in a world that was
created for them by Jesus with a technology that is far beyond what we know. To
put it into perspective, we have access to technology today that people in the
days of Moses would have called supernatural.
Scoffers and the majority
of theologians over the centuries do not believe that the crossing of the sea
took place. They don’t even believe that the Hebrews were in Egypt. I believe
every word in my King James Bible. If God said it, I believe it and that settles
it for me. I have presented my case supported with biblical citations. There is
no middle ground. It is up to you what you do with it.
To be continued…

From the Desk
of John S. Torell |