Question #6
QUESTION: Don't the best manuscripts
support the new versions?
ANSWER: No. The best manuscripts support the
Bible, the Authorized Version.
EXPLANATION: The new versions are only supported by
about five of the over 5,000 manuscripts of Bible text. Critics of the
Bible claim that these manuscripts are better than those used by the
translators of the Authorized Version. This is not so.
The two most prominent of these, Vaticanus, which is sole property of
the Roman Catholic Church, and Sinaiticus are both known to be overwhelmed
with errors. It is said that Sinaiticus has been corrected and altered by
as many as ten different writers. In Vaticanus is found the evidence of
very sloppy workmanship. Time and again words and whole phrases are
repeated twice in succession or completely omitted. While the entire
manuscript has had the text mutilated by some person or persons who ran
over every letter with a pen making exact identification of many of the
characters impossible.
Both manuscripts contain uninspired, anti-scriptural books which are
not found in the Bible.
The only place where these error laden, unreliable manuscripts excel is
in the quality of the materials used on them. They have good bindings and
fine animal skin pages. Their physical appearance, contrary to their
worthless texts, are really rather attractive. But then we have all heard
the saying, "You can't tell a book by it's cover". The covers are
beautiful but their texts are reprehensible.
And yet in spite of these well known corruptions, they are the basis
for many new versions such as the New American Standard Version and the
New International Version rendering these versions critically flawed and
The manuscripts represented by the King James Bible have texts of the
highest quality. So we see that the best manuscripts are those used by the
King James translators.