Bible Versions
The Bible is
such a book that man could not write if he would, and would not write if he
could. Towards this Book, he has shown the most intense hatred, revealing a
determination to get rid of such a scathing indictment of his own depraved
condition. The opposition of men to the Word of God is born of the fact that the
Bible reveals man's sin, discounts his wisdom, makes his greatest might to seem
puny, and lays his pride in the dust. Every engine of destruction that human
wisdom, human science, human philosophy, human wit, human satire, human force
and human brutality could bring to bear against a book has been brought to bear
against the Bible - and the Bible still stands. The Bible is like a lion; it
does not need to be defended; just let it loose and it will defend itself.

The Bible is under attack from all sides. Satan knows it tells the truth about
him, the victory that Jesus had at the cross, and what will happen in the
future. As such, Satan has and still is making every attempt to destroy the Word
of God. What better way to do this, than to change the meaning of the Bible over
time with different bible versions; each version as it comes along claiming it is
the truth and the most accurate of all the versions up until that point.
The line must
be drawn where we say, "If the King James Bible was good enough for 400 years,
then it is still good enough for me." For by it men and women have been saved and
the knowledge of God imparted unto them. When new bible versions come along,
they always take something away that is never replaced, only to be lost forever.
If you believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, then stand up for
it. Take a stand and speak out against these new bible versions. An
objection often raised against the "King James Only Crowd" is that people
learn something from the other (modern) versions, too, and that some even get
saved: but I dare say that this occurs in spite of these errant versions, not
because of them!
Authorized Version of 1611, or, in other words, the King James Bible, stands
alone in its uniqueness, integrity, and fidelity to the truthfulness of God’s
Word. Among reasons why this writer holds this conviction is because of the
great harm done not only to the Word of God, but the detriment wrought in the
local church in its public worship, and, of course, because of the confusion
created in countless group and individual Bible studies. After all, it could be
said: How do you think your professor would think or feel if all of his students
used different textbooks in his class?! In our case, God is our Great
Professor! He alone is the one true God, who has walked among us upon this
earth and left us the living and enduring legacy of His Word and His Spirit.
Until He comes, Amen.
Why I read the King James
Version - The King James text has faithfully served the body of Christ
for almost 400 years. Why then are we so ready to accept changes to God's
word in the form of different Bible versions? The King James Bible has
withstood the test of time and will continue to do so in the future.
What Ever Happened To Our
English Bible? - This matchless book – the Holy Scriptures –
represents the oracles of God for the Christian’s rule of faith and life.
However, in our day, this book has been under attack on a number of
fronts, including an unholy proliferation of modern day versions which
have added to, taken away from, and changed the Word of God as we have
known it, so faithfully preserved in our English Bible for nearly 400
The Attack on the Bible
- Did you know your Bible is under attack like never before? But not by
atheists, or agnostics but by Christians! You must read this as this is
one of the world's best kept secrets.
Has the King James Bible been
Revised? - One of the last ditch defenses of a badly shaken critic of
the Authorized version 1611 is the "revision hoax." They run to this
seeming fortress in an attempt to stave off ultimate defeat by their
opponents who overwhelm their feeble arguments with historic facts,
manuscript evidence and to obvious workings of the Holy Spirit. Once
inside, they turn self-confidently to their foes and ask with a smug look,
"Which King James do you use, the 1611 or the 1629 or perhaps the 1769?"
The shock of this attack and the momentary confusion that results usually
allows them time to make good their escape. Unfortunately, upon entering their
castle and closing the door behind them they find that their fortress has
been systematically torn down, brick by brick, by a man named Dr. David F.
Reasons for Accepting the KJV as
God's Preserved Word - This article give 10 reasons why you should
accept the King James Bible.
Original Autographs - Shouldn't
We Be Loyal to the "Original Autographs" and not a Mere Translation?
Questions for KJV
critics - 10 hard hitting questions for King James doubters.
Why We Use the King James
Version - Another tract written by a pastor to explain why they use
the KJV.
Which Bible is Preserved of God?
- By David Otis Fuller. From a message preached in 1970.
were the King James Version Translators? (External
Link) - How were they chosen? What do we know about their
backgrounds and education? What rules were the KJV Translation Committee
held to in this endeavor?
The Difference between
Translator and Teacher - It is the translator's job to tell you what
God said and it is the teacher's job to tell you how to understand and
apply it to your life; but what can you do if the Bible in your hand
doesn't give you God's Word, but a teacher's explanation of God's intent?
God's Amazing Love Letter - The
Bible - What do you know about the Bible you carry with you? Read this
article to find out what an amazing book the Bible really is.
Answer Book This book
answers 62 of the most commonly asked questions King James Bible critics
use to attack and destroy the faith of anyone who really believes that the
King James Bible is infallible.
Click here to buy this
Understandable History of the Bible The
following online edition of this book is from a previous edition printed
in 1987. The
original printing is herein placed in its entirety for your online
viewing. The 3rd and latest edition is greatly updated and was expanded by
over 250 pages! Contained within this work is a history of how the we got
our Bible and and an exposure of its enemies.
here to buy this recently expanded and updated book.
The Blind Leading
The Blind - Some "dishonest" critics of the book, New Age Bible
Versions by Gail Riplinger. In this book, she objectively and
methodically documents the hidden alliance between new Bible versions and
the New Age Movement's One World Religion.
New International Perversion - Did you know the New International
Version (NIV) removes 17 complete verses, 64,576 words, contains blatant
lies and that's just the beginning. . .
Archaic Words in the NIV
- What about ALL those "archaic" and "hard to understand" words in the
Homosexuals and the NIV -
What is the truth about reports that homosexuals served on the NIV Old
Testament Committee? Read on to find the shocking truth.
TNIV: Translation Treason -
What about The Today's New International Version (TNIV), the new
gender-inclusive NIV. If this doesn't shock you – you need to check your
pulse. . .
The NIV Teen Study Bible -
Zondervan's NIV Teen Study Bible is the number one selling teen Study
Bible, boasting of over one million copies sold. What we found lurking in
the NIV Teen Study Bible is hard to believe! We also compare, rate and
select the Best Teen Bible. There was a clear WINNER!
New King James Bible: Counterfeit - Is the New King James Version true
to the King James? Did you know the New King James Bible makes over
100,000 translation changes from the "old" King James Bible?
The NKJV Examined - By M. H. Reynolds. A brief examination of the New
King James Version.
Westcott and Hort's Magic
Marker Binge - Would you take a magic marker to your Bible and cross
out words from passages? This chart illustrates what was done when the
text used by Christianity for 1800 years was replaced with a text
assembled by Westcott and Hort in the nineteenth century and now serves as
the basis for nearly all modern New Testament translations.
Have you read The Message? -
This Bible version seeks to communicate using street language. Look at our
comparison chart to see how "far out" it really is.
Are you washed in
the Blood of Jesus Christ? - Not according to the NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV,
CEV, NCV, and the other legions of new Bible Versions! This is a shocker!
Various contradictions and
omissions - A table-style view of some differences between Bible
versions including verses that are indisputably contradictory.
Bible Versions and the
Preeminence of Christ - A table-style view of how our Lord is
addressed in different Bible versions.
Bible Version Comparison -
Most people believe the new versions are just "harmless" updating of words
and made easier to read nothing could be further from the truth! A table
documenting over 300 verses that have been removed or changed from the
seven most popular new versions.