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Demons: An Eyewitness Account - Howard Pittman

Demons: An Eyewitness Account
Howard Pittman

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Price: $30.00

On August 3, 1979, the greatest miracle of this age happened to me. That day I suffered what appeared to be a physical death as the result of a sudden rupture of an internal artery. While physicians worked frantically on me in an emergency room, my spirit was separated from my body and taken into the spirit world where I was allowed to see many startling things.

The details of this experience were reported in some depth in my book entitled Placebo. One area I did not cover as fully as I would have liked is the portion that deals with demons. For this purpose, I am writing this book. It is necessary for me to cover in detail all that experienced and all that was revealed to me regarding the demons and their entire operations in this physical world.

It is not my intent to re-examine that portion of my experience which I related in depth in my first book, but rather to cover in greater detail the activities of the demons in this present, physical world. This must be done so that Christians might be forewarned and forearmed. I was allowed to experience this event so that you might know.

About the Author

Howard Pittman - Author of Demons: An Eyewitness Account; Placebo; The Covert War; The Day Star; The Mystery Demon; Son of Perdition; The Curse of the Lord; The Secret Agent; Phoebe's StoryHoward Pittman has a clear message for the church: Wake up! Learning from his near-death experience of facing an angry God for how he had been living his Christian life, which had been excellent by human standards, Pittman warns believers of the danger of falling into the same trap. God's special task for him is in unveiling the tactics of Satan and his demonic forces.

Other books by this author:

Phoebe's Story
Son of Perdition
The Covert War
The Curse of the Lord
The Day Star
The Mystery Demon

The Secret Agent

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