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General Books of Interest  

Spiritually uplifting subjects, world topics, and other interests.


All books are listed alphabetically according to the author's last name.

If you are looking for a book in a specific category, and don't know the title or author, we have them listed here.

  The Dove Collection $69.00
  Life of John Knox $20.00
Anita Dittman & Otto Reichert Surviving the Nazis Combo (2 Books) $17.00
Multiple Authors The Clinton Chronicles SOLD OUT
Sebastian Adams Adams Synchronological Chart or Map of History $40.00
Kerby Anderson A Biblical Point of View on Islam $10.00
Cindy & Richard Benson Struggle to Peace SOLD OUT
Richard & Cindy Benson Secrets Mormons Don't Want You To Know $13.00
Reb Bradley Born Liberal, Raise Right $13.00
Reb Bradley Child Training Tips SOLD OUT
David Brownstein Salt Your Way To Health SOLD OUT
Cathy Burns Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star SOLD OUT
Mark Cahill One Heartbeat Away $15.00
Mark Cahill One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven $13.00
Jonathan Cahn The Return of the Gods $28.00
Joseph Canfield The Incredible Scofield and His Book $23.00
Merlin Carothers Prison to Praise $5.00
Jack Chick The Last Call $5.00
Charles Chiniquy 50 Years in the "Church" of Rome $15.00
David Allan Comstock Brides of the Gold Rush $20.00
Nicky Cruz with Jamie Buckingham Run, Baby, Run $16.00
David Daniels Answers to your Bible Version Questions $11.00
Darl Dinger & Louise Carter Ode to Jesus Christ - Volume 1 $15.00
Darl Dinger & Louise Carter

Ode to Jesus Christ - Volume 2

Darl Dinger & Louise Carter Ode to Jesus Christ - Volume 3 $15.00
Anita Dittman with Jan Markell Trapped in Hitler's Hell $13.00
Ed Decker & Dave Hunt The God Makers $13.00
Vance Ferrell The Evolution Cruncher $7.00
Carl Fox & Paul Norcross Breaking the Authority of the Bastard Curse OUT OF PRINT
Carl Fox Turning Curses to Blessings $13.00
Gordon Ginn Strong Delusion OUT OF PRINT
Samuel Gipp The Answer Book $7.00
Samuel Gipp Understandable History of the Bible $31.00
Heinz Gisel In Foodture We Trust $16.00
O.J. Graham The Six-Pointed Star $18.00
Frank & Ida Mae Hammond Pigs in the Parlor SOLD OUT
David Edwin Harrell, Jr. All Things Are Possible $24.00
Paul Hattaway The Heavenly Man: The story of Brother Yun $16.00
Thomas Heinze Answers to my Catholic Friends $5.25
Thomas Heinze Answers to my Evolutionist Friends: How Life Began OUT OF PRINT
Thomas Heinze Answers to my Jehovah's Witness Friends $7.25
Thomas Heinze Answers to my Mormon Friends $6.00
Thomas Heinze Answers Series (4 Books) $25.00
Thomas Heinze Be Prepared OUT OF PRINT
Thomas Heinze In the Beginning... Soup? OUT OF PRINT
Thomas Heinze The Vanishing Proofs of Evolution $6.50
Harold Hill How to Live Like a King's Kid $11.00
Alexander Hislop The Two Babylons $13.50
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock The Synagogue of Satan $30.00
Michael Hoffman Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People $20.00
Michael Hoffman Judaism's Strange Gods $29.00
Leonard Horowitz Emerging Viruses - Aids & Ebola SOLD OUT
Scott Huse The Collapse of Evolution SOLD OUT
Noah W. Hutchings The Dark Side of the Purpose Driven Church $13.00
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America $30.00
Jarl Omholt-Jensen Divination: Divine or Devilish? $5.00
John S. Jenkins Life of Andrew Jackson $20.00
Rick Jones How to be a Successful Teenager OUT OF PRINT
Rick Jones Stairway to Hell SOLD OUT
Rick Jones Understanding Roman Catholicism $11.00
Rick Jones When Life is Over $5.00
Elmer Josephson God's Key to Health and Happiness $50.00
Gary Kah En Route to Global Occupation $11.25
Arthur Koestler The 13th Tribe OUT OF PRINT
R.G. LeTourneau Mover of Men and Mountains $9.00
Jüri Lina Architects of Deception OUT OF PRINT
Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams The Pink Swastika $40.00
Scott Lively The Poisoned Stream $9.00
Richard L. Madison Raised from the Dead $15.00
Vishal & Ruth Mangalwadi The Legacy of William Carey $18.00
Art Mathias Biblical Foundations of Freedom $21.00
Art Mathias In His Own Image $21.00
Caryl Matrisciana Out of India $60.00
Caspar McCloud & Linda Lange What Was I Thinking? $16.00
Jim Miller Going Beyond Belief $13.00
Robert Morey The Islamic Invasion OUT OF PRINT
G.J.O. Moshay Who is this Allah? $12.00
Andrew Murray Let Us Draw Near $8.00
Roger Oakland w/ Jim Tetlow Another Jesus? $13.00
Roger Oakland Faith Undone $13.00
Debi Pearl Created To Be His Help Meet $27.25
Howard Pittman Demons: An Eyewitness Account $30.00
Howard Pittman Phoebe's Story $30.00
Howard Pittman Placebo $85.00
Howard Pittman Son of Perdition $30.00
Howard Pittman The Covert War $30.00
Howard Pittman The Curse of the Lord $30.00
Howard Pittman The Day Star $30.00
Howard Pittman The Mystery Demon $30.00
Howard Pittman The Secret Agent $30.00
Howard Pittman

Pittman Collection - 5 books (Demons, An Eyewitness Account; Placebo; The Covert War; The Day Star; The Mystery Demon)

Howard Pittman Pittman Package - 4 books (The Curse of the Lord; The Secret Agent; Phoebe’s Story; Son of Perdition) $100.00
Howard Pittman Super Pittman Collection - 9 books (Demons, An Eyewitness Account; Placebo; The Covert War; The Day Star; The Mystery Demon; The Curse of the Lord; The Secret Agent; Phoebe’s Story; Son of Perdition) $280.00
Ted Pike Israel: Our Duty... Our Dilemma SOLD OUT
Stephen Quayle Genesis 6 Giants SOLD OUT
Stephen Quayle Xenogenesis $42.00
Terry Reed &
John Cummings
Compromised $54.00
Anna C. Reed Life of Washington $17.00
Otto Reichert Otto Pray! Otto Pray! $8.00
Ron Rhodes The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Catholic $11.00
Ron Rhodes The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Mormon $11.00
Gail Riplinger Hazardous Materials SOLD OUT
Gail Riplinger In Awe of Thy Word $38.50
Gail Riplinger New Age Bible Versions $19.25
Gail Riplinger The Language of the King James Bible $19.25
Gail Riplinger Which Bible is God's Word? $19.25
Jerry Robinson Bankruptcy of Our Nation $13.00
R.J. Rushdoony A Word in Season - Volume 1 $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony A Word in Season - Volume 2 $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony A Word in Season - Volume 3 $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony A Word in Season - Volume 4 $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony A Word in Season - Volume 5 $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony A Word in Season - Volume 6 $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony A Word in Season - Volume 7 $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony A Word in Season - All 7 Volumes $67.00
R.J. Rushdoony Good Morning, Friends - Vol. 1 $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony Good Morning, Friends - Vol. 2 $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony Law & Liberty $11.00
R.J. Rushdoony The Institutes of Biblical Law, Volume 1 $48.00
R.J. Rushdoony The Institutes of Biblical Law - Volume 2 $28.00
R.J. Rushdoony The Institutes of Biblical Law - Volume 3 $20.00
Barnas Sears Life of Luther $18.00
Jerry Schwidbach Kingdom Power by Prayer and Fasting SOLD OUT
William & Sharon Schnoebelen Blood on the Doorposts $45.00
William & Sharon Schnoebelen Lucifer Dethroned $45.00
William Schnoebelen Masonry: Beyond the Light $45.00
William Schnoebelen Wicca $45.00
Vaughn Shatzer History of American Government and Law $15.00
C.W. Slemming He Leadeth Me: Shepherd Life in Palestine $6.00
Warren Smith A Wonderful Deception $14.50
Warren Smith Deceived on Purpose $13.00
Warren Smith False Christ Coming $14.50
Warren Smith Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel OUT OF PRINT
Warren Smith The Light That Was Dark $13.00
Mel Tari with
Cliff Dudley
Like a Mighty Wind $10.00
Gert Timmerman with John S. Torell Showdown in Jerusalem Digest $11.00
Aina Torell My Journey to Faith and Freedom $18.00
John S. Torell As the Days of Noah Package $15.00
John S. Torell Christian Dynamics Course 1 $27.00
John S. Torell Christian Dynamics Course 2 SOLD OUT
John S. Torell Christian Dynamics Course 3 SOLD OUT
John S. Torell Christian Dynamics Course 4 OUT OF PRINT
John S. Torell Deliverance Package DISCONTINUED
John S. Torell My Life, My Calling, My Destiny $40.00
John S. Torell The God of the Old Testament $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah - Book 1: Sabbatai Sevi $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah - Book 2: Jacob Frank $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah - Book 3: The Rothschild Family $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah - Book 4: The Stealth Takeover of the United States $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah - Book 5: The Rise of the Illuminati $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah - Book 6: The Illuminati and the Revolutions $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah - Book 7: God's Antidote to the Illuminati $9.00
John S. Torell The Kabbalah - Book 8: Bitter Fruit $9.00
John S. Torell The Truth about Christmas $9.00
R. A. Torrey The Baptism with the Holy Spirit $8.00
Tom Watchorn The Ministry of Correction and Reproval OUT OF PRINT
Terry Watkins Halloween: A Covenant with Death and Hell $0.50
William Whiston The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus $60.00
Ralph Woodrow Babylon Mystery Religion OUT OF PRINT
Henry Wright A More Excellent Way $23.25
Harvey Yoder Miss Nancy $13.00
Pablo Yoder The Long Road Home $13.00
Ray Yungen A Time of Departing $13.00
Ray Yungen For Many Shall Come In My Name $13.00


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