This book cover is a graphic illustration of Revelation
Chapter Six, Verse two, which is John's description of the false hero who will
come as a world savior!
Look at him. The crown stands for authority, he will rule.
Notice he has no sword or arrows. The bow he holds in hand
says he will conquer, but without weapons. He will come as a man of peace. He is
not a dictator. A man without weapons, or armies, none-the-less he will conquer
About the Author
Pittman has a clear message for the church: Wake up! Learning from his
near-death experience of facing an angry God for how he had been living his
Christian life, which had been excellent by human standards, Pittman warns
believers of the danger of falling into the same trap. God's special task for
him is in unveiling the tactics of Satan and his demonic forces.
Other books by this author:
Demons: An Eyewitness Account
Phoebe's Story
The Covert War
The Curse of the Lord
The Day Star
The Mystery Demon
The Secret Agent
Blood on the Doorposts
Deliverance Package
Evil Spirits Working in
The Covert War
The Day Star
The Mystery Demon
En Route to Global Occupation
Emerging Viruses - Aids & Ebola
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
History of American
Government and Law
My Soul & The Information Systems of
the Antichrist
Son of Perdition
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
The Strecker
The Synagogue of Satan
World Government Exposed
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