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The Mystery Demon - Howard Pittman

The Mystery Demon
Howard Pittman

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Price: $30.00

Spiritual warfare is real. The Devil is real. Demons are real. Great truths that have been known by every civilization in history. In the early history of the Church, a third of a member's times was spent in learning about the reality of this war.

An examination of the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John reveals that of all the recorded activity of Jesus, about one third of His time was spent in dealing with, teaching about, or exposing the devil and his demons. In fact, the first authority granted to man by Jesus, was NOT the authority to preach or teach, but WAS the authority to deal with demons spirits. (Matthew 10:1)

Only in the modern history of the Church have Christians rejected these truths. It was a subtle rejection brought on by a clever designed plan. The plan was designed by our spiritual adversary and implemented through our traditions, line upon line, precept upon precept, until we had been accustomed to the deletion of these great teachings.

Our time is short, the ahead is tremendous. We have precious little time to re-learn these great truths.

This book is an attempt to bring these truths to the surface in our daily Church life once again.

About the Author

Howard Pittman - Author of Demons: An Eyewitness Account; Placebo; The Covert War; The Day Star; The Mystery Demon; Son of Perdition; The Curse of the Lord; The Secret Agent; Phoebe's StoryHoward Pittman has a clear message for the church: Wake up! Learning from his near-death experience of facing an angry God for how he had been living his Christian life, which had been excellent by human standards, Pittman warns believers of the danger of falling into the same trap. God's special task for him is in unveiling the tactics of Satan and his demonic forces.

Other books by this author:

Demons: An Eyewitness Account
Phoebe's Story
Son of Perdition
The Covert War
The Curse of the Lord
The Day Star

The Secret Agent

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