Gail Riplinger's new book exposes:
Strong's Concordance Lexicons
Bible Dictionaries by Vine, Zodhiates
Word Studies by Vincent, Wuest, Trench
Hebrew-English Dictionaries by Brown, Driver, and Briggs
Greek-English Dictionaries by Moulton, Thayer, Danker,
Greek and Hebrew texts by Metzger, Aland, Scrivener,
Berry, Ginsburg, Green, Robinson, Hodges
And all Greek and Hebrew Study Tools and Interlinears
1,200 page encyclopedic hardback, 5 volumes in one!
Includes many quite telling never before published photos
Reveals the sinister source of words in new bible
Proves the purity of the King James Bible
The wait is over for the sequel to the international
bestseller, New Age Bible Versions, for
its quarter of a million readers! For the first time ever, view the authors who
brewed the words in corrupt new bible versions,
such as the TNIV, NIV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, and HCSB.
College president Dr. Norris Belcher said, "This book takes
you to the head of the stream, where you will see the men, standing with sticks
in hand, stirring up the mud to cloud the pure water of God s word, the King
James Bible."
Questioning the Word of God came first with the serpent s
skeptical query, "Yea, hath God said...?" (Gen.3). Questioning today's Holy
Bible is just as rebellious as questioning ones gender. God did it right the
first time. A man-made makeover brings “confusion” and defaces and mutilates
God’s creation. Only pride and perversion would propel men to presume that they
could improve upon God’s own handiwork.
This book will bring Greek and Hebrew study out of the closet
for the first time. Tumbling out come the starving skeletons of the authors of
Greek and Hebrew study tools, lexicons and editions, the sordid sources from
which new versions, such as the NIV, TNIV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, and HCSB take their
corrupt words. These are the very same study "aids" which kill a sermon or Bible
study when used to "define" a word in the Holy Bible.
Lexicon and Bible dictionary authors dug down into the depths
of pagan lore, then ransacked the English dictionary to find a match which could
burn the Bible word-by-word. The smoke darkens the directing light of the holy
This book will document that men who want to change and
redefine the Holy Bible are likely to want to change anything – even Bible
doctrine, their own gender, and their god. For example, Luciferian connections
shadow Trench’s New Testament Synonyms and Ginsburg’s TBS Hebrew Masoretic text.
You will learn such things as the connection between new
version editor and child molester C.J. Vaughan (whose all ‘boys’ school parades
their lewd perversion in one, amongst the many never before published photos in
this book) and tools such as Strong’s Concordance, Vine’s Expository Dictionary,
the Unitarian J.H. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon, Moulton’s Lexicon and Vincent
and Wuest’s Word Studies.
Heresy trials deposed editors of the popular Hebrew-English
Lexicon by Brown, Driver, and Briggs and the New Testament Greek-English Lexicon
by Frederick Danker.
All Greek-English New Testament lexicons plagiarize the first
Greek-English lexicon written by Scott and Liddell, who harbored the pedophile
author of Alice in Wonderland, who took improper photographs of Liddell’s child
and remains a suspect in the Jack the Ripper murder case.
The book demonstrates that Greek texts from UBS to TBS fail
to reach the perfection of the Holy Bible, where God’s words shall not pass
away. Why are good Christians putting aside their inspired Bibles to look for
light in conflicting and uninspired Greek & Hebrew tools, made by men who denied
its truths?
Other books by this author:
In Awe of Thy Word
Age Bible Versions
The Language of the
King James Bible
Which Bible is God's Word?
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